Cutting up with COVID-19

The gym changed the rules so I can now schedule a 2 hour workout. I’m very pleased!

I wish I could show you guys this gym girl’s butt. It was like two volleyballs on a real fit body, with nice boobs to match. I don’t think I would be happy to date a girl who doesn’t workout. You just can’t get that butt without training it consistently. 🏐 🏐
Organic brown rice and 1/2Lb fat free ground turkey breast with salsa.
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I know about that dry Turkey though when I make my meatloaf with it I add enchilada sauce and green peppers to give it moisture while it cooks.
Comes out great I call it Mexican meatloaf. I have a few other tricks with Turkey like meatballs but I can’t do burgers. I just can’t get it down because it gets dry.
Today I worked out for an hour and 45 minutes. I did chest, rear delts, traps, a little quads, and cardio in the movie theater. They had the first IRONMAN playing which was great because I was dreading doing cardio.
  • 4 sets pec deck machine
  • 4 sets inclined hammer strength press
  • 4 sets fly machine
  • 5 sets declined hammer strength press
  • strength was much better today which was a pleasant surprise.
  • 3 sets hammer strength shrugs
  • I kept it to 3 sets since I haven’t really trained traps in 3 months.
  • 4 sets seated bent over dumbbell laterals
  • 4 sets seated leg press
  • I’m going to do one lower body exercise every workout to get my legs going again.
  • 20 minutes recombinant bike
Everything felt great today!!! 👍
My strength is coming back quickly.
This tbol definitely helps my arthritic elbows. I’ll start NPP on Friday. This morning I finished off the tren and masteron.
Today I did back, hamstrings, calves, and cardio.
  • 4 sets T-bar rows
  • 3 sets one arm dumbbell rows off a bench
  • 4 sets narrow grip pull downs
  • 3 sets one arm cable rows
  • 3 sets regular cable rows
  • 3 sets seated leg curls
  • 4 sets seated calf press
  • 20 minutes recombinant bike in the cardio movie theater while watching WONDER WOMAN. She’s hot!!!
Oh man, it feels great to be back in the gym. People are ignoring the social distancing crap and doing what they want. Everyone is happy and kind. It’s awesome!
I feel like my muscles are recovering super fast. Tbol and winstrol feel great! I hope stopping tren doesn’t slow my recovery. I was so sore and wiped out last night that I fell asleep at 6:30pm. I had the deepest sleep I’ve had in ages. I still tossed and turned like always but the sleep was on a deeper level. Today is my off day. I’m trying to train 3 on, 1 off with the full body trained in the 3 on days, then repeat. I woke up at 3:30am but I’ll probably take a nap later on. It’s amazing what the gym does for the mind. That lockdown was a horrible idea for the health of this nation. Total scam!!!