Cutting up with COVID-19

I’m feeling so good today! Yesterday, I felt like death from 6 days of the diet so I had 6 tacos and 3 cookies for dinner. Today, I trained arms, front/middle delts, abs, and cardio. Strength was way up from my arm/delt workout 4 days ago. Left delt felt a little odd on laterals so tomorrow I’m going to do legs and wait an extra day before doing chest.
  • 4 sets rope pushdowns superset with alternating dumbbell curls
  • 4 sets one arm preacher curls machine with a double drop set for each.
  • 4 GIANT SETS of push downs with hammer grip, underhand grip, and overhand grip successively.
  • 3 dumbbell hammer curls superset with 3 sets one arm dumbbell kick backs.
  • 6 sets military press machine semi-marrow grip
  • 4 sets dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets dumbbell from raises hammer grip
  • 3 sets in between front/middle raises
  • 4 sets rope crunches to the middle, and slightly left and right for obliques.
  • 22 minutes on the recombinant bike while watching the remake of KARATE KID. Little Jaden Smith clocked that fool!
When I got to the gym I decided to do chest after all. I wasn’t feeling cardio today. I have tons of energy but was a bit flat so I’m going to go buy some steak and yams to fill out a bit. I try to do everything by instinct. If you listen to the body it’ll tell you what it needs.
  • 4 sets pec deck
  • 5 sets hammer strength inclined press
  • 5 sets fly machine
  • 5 sets hammer strength declined press
  • 4 sets seated hammer strength shrugs
  • 4 sets bent over dumbbell laterals
    When I get home I’m going to take a shot of sustanon and NPP. I think I’ll up the dose to EOD injects of 1/2cc each along with my daily 25mg winstrol and 25mg tbol.

just had sirloin
Return the the Gym:
Today I found my strength was completely back after the COVID-19 gym shut down. I trained back much heavier and found I didn’t have the energy to train as quickly or do as many exercises. It’s definitely a totally different way to train than the fast paced band workouts.
  • 5 sets wide grip pull downs with a double drop set on the last set
  • 6 sets t-bar rows with a double drop set on the last set
  • 6 sets hammer strength rows with a double drop set on the last set
After this I had a protein/oat shake then did a half hour of cardio on the recombinant bike in the cardio theater.
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Had a good leg workout for me. My legs are fugged due to spinal nerve damage to the left leg, several unfixed meniscus tears, a detached ACL, reattached patella and quad tendon. I’m not out to get huge legs. I’d just like more size on the atrophied leg if possible, and better definition in both. So there are my excuses. Haha 😂
  • 4 sets seated leg press
  • 4 sets lying leg curls with a 4 part drop set on the final set
  • 4 sets reverse glute press
  • 6 sets seated calf raises with toes outward, inward, and straight ahead
  • 20 minutes on the recombinant bike in the cardio theater. Gay ass movie today so it sucked, Night at the Museum. :poop:
I just had a killer shoulder workout!
  • 5 sets dumbbell lateral raises
  • 5 sets bent over dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises hammer grip
  • 3 sets dumbbell lateral raises in between front and middle
  • 5 sets military press machine
  • 5 sets hammer strength shrugs
Steak, fat free Greek yogurt, yam