Cutting up with COVID-19

I don’t count calories. I try to get 50 grams of protein per meal but sometimes get 70. I try to get fat down as close to zero as possible. I get around 50 grams of carbs per meal but sometimes half that. I go 2-3 hours in between meals/shakes. 3 hours is the goal but if I’m hungry I’ll go 2 hours. I do what my body tells me to do. I get 6 meals/shakes per a day, either 4 meals and 2 shakes or 3 of each.
Workouts have been great! I’ve been doing 20-40 minutes of cardio after each weight lifting session. Today is my off day. The paat 3 days were chest, legs, and back, followed by the recombinant bike in the cardio theater. This week they’ve been showing movies about hot teen girls surfing which was cool. Both got bitten by big ass sharks. 🦈
It’s been 3 days since my last cheat meal and I feel guilty because my family is taking me out for an authentic Italian dinner so I have to cheat. Haha I’m going to have deep fried mozzarella, eggplant parmigiana, and root beer. Probably cheesecake for dessert. Yummy!!! 🎂
I’ve been on tbol, winstrol, and NPP for close to a month. Not much in the way of joint issues from the winstrol due to the low dose of 25mg. So far I’m loving it! I pretty much stay on sustanon year round.
Today I did delts/traps and cardio. Energy was way up which was awesome!
  • 5 sets rear lateral dumbbell raises
  • 5 sets regular lateral dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises thumbs up
  • 3 sets in between front and middle lateral raises palms down
  • 4 sets semi-close grip military press
  • 7 sets hammer strength shrugs
  • 40 minutes cardio on the recombinant bike
I upped my sustanon to 569mg and lowered my NPP to around 120mg. The reason is because I was running out of NPP and want them to run out at the same time. The cool thing is it’s made me stronger on everything and horny. 😀
*I hate to push the “higher doses work better” stigma, but I just can’t deny how much faster I’m growing, even while on this strict diet. I suppose the key is slowly adding just enough AAS to accelerate the growth process without feeling toxic or fatigued from a dirty liver.
My stick legs are really responding to the higher dose of sustanon. My left leg I literally didn’t think could ever grow due to nerve damage from my spinal issues but it’s coming up from the higher dose. The year of using low doses didn’t help it grow much at all.
I had a great leg workout this week.
  • 4 sets seated leg press. I got reps up from 8-15 up to 12-20 on the same weights.
  • 4 sets seated leg curl
  • 3 sets hack squat machine deep
  • 3 sets lying leg curls
  • 6 sets horizontal calf raises with toes forward, outward, and inward
  • 5 sets standing calf raises toes forward, outward, and inward
  • the recombinant bikes were being used and two were broken so I had to use the evil spin bike which I promised I’d never use again because it gave me the worst adductor cramps of my life, so bad I almost went to the hospital. Well, I did it at high resistance, got home, and BAMMM, my abductor cramped and twitched and it was scary. I limped to the kitchen and ate a banana and, no shit, the cramping stopped almost immediately. Bananas for the win!!! 😀
  • 6 sets cable rows
  • 6 sets narrow pull downs
  • 4 sets hammer strength rows
  • 6 sets one arm cable rows
  • 40 minutes on the recombinant bike
***I have 3 weeks of tbol and winstrol left. After that my plan is:
600mg sustanon
400mg masteron enan
300mg deca
no orals for awhile
I haven’t had a cheat meal in 10 days. Fat is falling off but I’m dropping weight too fast. Need to up the calories a bit.
Just did delts and traps:
  • 6 sets of hammer strength shrugs
  • 4 sets bent over dumbbell laterals
  • 4 sets seated dumbbell laterals
  • 3 sets seated front dumbbell laterals thumbs up
  • 3 sets seated in between front and middle laterals palms down
  • 4 sets military press machine
I had a good chest workout today.
Here’s my post workout meal:
Eye of round steak, yam, Asian veggies, and fat free Greek yogurt.
I don’t count calories but the protein was probably around 70 grams between the 6oz steak and 3 healing tablespoons of fat free Greek yogurt. The yam was just under 1Lb. The veggies don’t really count to me.
  • 5 sets pec deck
  • 4 sets hammer strength chest press
  • 4 sets hammer strength dips
  • 4 sets fly machine
  • 4 sets inclined machine
  • 3 sets chest press machine
My calories are higher than when I did band workouts. I was pretty extreme which worked great but with the higher AAS doses I think more protein and carbs will help me grow and get lean. I’m getting thicker which is very cool. My weight dropped all the way down to 218Lbs after going 11 days without a cheat meal. I had two cheat meals on my birthday and pur back 6 pounds of water which looks pretty good. Haha I was 224Lbs yesterday.