Cutting up with COVID-19

Been icing my delts for 3 days. Today I took a chance and trained back. It went real well. I was so happy. I stuck to rowing movements because pulling toward my body feels ok. Pulling down I think could cause issues. I did:
  • 4 sets cable rows 20 reps with 165Lbs
  • 4 sets single arm cable rows with 100Lbs for 12 reps
  • 4 sets t-bar rows with 2 - 45’s and 1 - 25lb’er for 13 reps.
  • 4 sets of barbell rows with only 135 for 2 sets of 12 reps and 155 for 2 sets of 8 reps. I haven’t done these in probably 10 years. They felt good.
  • 4 sets of rope crunches for abs.
Now, I’m icing my delts again.

I’ve been using this lidocaine/menthol cream on my delts for reducing inflammation and healing. It’s pretty good.
My shoulders have been giving me issues since I started pull ups so may just go back to pull downs and see how goes also seems to be issue when I I just let weight hang in hands
Today I did back and traps. I had a few tbol left from a month ago so I took one tbol and one Cialis 2 hours preworkout. I looked so much better today. Great pump! I’m going to order some tbol to add to my test(sustanon and test enan) and deca.
  • 4 sets cable rows 160Lbs - 20 reps
  • 4 sets hammer strength rows 2 plates each side for 18 reps
  • 4 sets Tbar rows with 2 45’a and a 25 for 12 reps
  • 4 sets barbell rows with just 135Lbs for 12 reps
  • 4 sets one arm cable rows with 100Lbs for 13 reps
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs with 85, 90, 95, 100 for 12 reps. ( I did 8 sets of traps with shoulders but felt like doing them today too.)
Gram of test haven’t done that in awhile, when I do it that high that’s all I’ll do well proviron but that’s a staple for me
I started at 250mg test but kept going up. Haha I feel great since only doing test and deca. Orals and tren kicked my butt. I’m hoping tbol doesn’t make me feel bad since it’s a very low toxicity oral.