Cutting up with COVID-19

  • 5 sets t-bar rows
  • 3 sets cable rows
  • 4 sets one arm cable rows
  • 3 sets one arm cable pull downs
  • 4 sets hammer strength rows
I’m making some fat free turkey breast patties and some brown rice in the rice cooker.
I’m holding 8 pounds of water from cheating Sunday for breakfast and dinner after 11 days without a cheat meal. Crazy!!!
I have no sodium on my diet other than what’s in salsa. So when I eat normal people food my body soaks up water like a sponge and holds onto it for I’m guessing 5 days of no sodium dieting.
I went about 5 days no workout when sick then two days after that one day of lifting back at it though till I go on vacation back home then all bets are off
Just had my delt pop out then back in on the hammer strength dip machine. Last week it happened on machine flies. I’ve been cutting for 4 1/2 months. Getting too dry I suppose. I think it’s time to drop the masteron enan, get more deca, and order some anadrol to lube up the joints with water and synovial fluids. Injuries always come when I get too dry and lean. Just part of the game.