Cutting up with COVID-19

Day #3 on 50mg tbol:
I can feel the joint relief and more pliable muscle feeling already. Today was my 4th day lifting weights in a row which is unheard of for me with my arthritis issues. Strength is going up already.
  • 4 sets of t-bar rows. I usually stick with 2 45’s and 1 25lb’er. Today I went up to 3 45’s and a 5.
  • 4 sets barbell rows. Last week I could only do 135Lbs. Today I got up to 185Lb.
  • 4 sets cable rows. This week I went up from 165 to 180 on all sets.
  • 4 sets single arm rows with 100Lbs.
  • 3 sets of hammer strength rows. I went light and went for a strong contraction on every rep to finish back off.
My muscles are looking a lot more full, vascular, and round after only 3 days of adding 50mg tbol upon waking. I’m also on a gram of test and 300mg deca.
Preworkout I took 20mg Flash Cialis and 50mg Flash anadrol. Man, I love Anadrol! Nothing makes me look like that stuff does. Every muscle gets so full and round. Unfortunately, my liver usually can’t handle it for too long at age 52. I’m just going to take it preworkout on upperbody days. Hopefully my liver is cool with that for awhile. Anadrol is great for helping my old arthritic joints which I need. Both elbows kill me any more, both delts, and my right wrist too.
I’m icing my right elbow now. Preworkout, I rub lidocaine cream on both elbows and delts, and my right wrist.
  • 5 sets bent barbell rows
  • 4 sets t-bar rows
  • 4 sets cable rows
  • 4 sets one arm cable rows
  • 4 sets hammer strength rows
I been outta cialis which I use almost every pwo alongside whstever else I throw in, come to think of it I have more pwo stuff then anything else,i got, inject adrol, injec dbol, mtren,halo,nandro base,dbol/nandro/tne mix, regular tne, anadrol oral, dbol oral I think that’s it
I just finished training arms. Anadrol is crazy shit! I look so full and round! I got on the scale and I’m 5 pounds heavier when I only took one Anadrol on Sunday and one today. All I’ve eaten the past two days is turkey breast, rice cakes, egg whites, dry toast, and protein/oat shakes. Crazy crazy crazy!!!
Well I’m trying to abstain from too much drugs. But hope this past week was last drug test for awhile. I’m just enjoying the bulk to make sure I hit strength goal. I’ll then get leaner again
Will say if right shoulder doesn’t feel better by Monday I’m scraping plan of benching 500 on birthday and will just go into 2 week cut to look better for birthday
Back Day complete!
Anadrol and Cialis preworkout made for a nice pump!
  • 4 sets standing tbar row machine
  • 4 sets cable rows
  • 4 sets one arm cable rows
  • 6 sets barbell rows
  • 3 sets hammer strength rows
  • 3 sets tbar rows with a barbell
  • 3 sets dumbbell shrugs
I’ve only had 3 protein shakes today. I’m keeping calories low since I cheat tomorrow morning and I did last night. Those were my two cheat meals for the week. Gotta deplete today to keep the fat off.