Cutting up with COVID-19

You using 50mg right, daily? How long you gonna use it. I tried it once for about 9 days, like dbol killed my appetite, I did feel a bit bloated on it,but wasn’t using pre/proBiotics or wateraway pills, definitely wasn’t eating as much that time in my life in general, I am now though. And I do have BP issues, but can’t remember if the adrol affected it, this was over 3 years ago, but @johnjuanb1like I said the other day, you make me want to give it another shot
Yes, 50mg/day.
I feel tired on the Anadrol so I’m not too sure how long I’ll last on it. I have bp issues too but I’m choosing to pretend they don’t exist . 😀
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uhh sounds smart, ha ha. Well I have, oral and inject, don’t like pinning ED, but maybe I will give it a 7 day ride and see
So today is my third day without Anadrol and I feel more energy. Today is arm day. I think I’ll up the cialis to 30mg and see if the pump is better than with 20mg just for fun. 😀
Today is the best I’ve looked since starting my diet April 1st. I’m figuring things out. I was only having 5 meals but bigger. Yesterday I had either a shake or meal every 2 hours but I slept 12 hours so it was 6 meals/shakes that were low calories only 400 per meal. So smaller more frequent meals. I look full and vascular. Meals are 1/2lb turkey and 6-7 rice cakes. Except breakfast which is 12 egg whites and 3 slices dry toast. So I alternate a whey/oat shake or a small turkey/rice cake meal every two hours I’m awake.
I was my best in 2011-2012 having 10-12 shakes a day but no way I’m waking up every two hours these days to have a shake.
I’ve also finally realized if I take too many toxic AAS I look and feel worse. I feel healthiest on test and deca only. I tried tren, masteron, Anadrol, turinabol, winstrol, but they all caught up with me in terms of feeling bad. I took my test dose all the way up to 1,150mg but it didn’t benefit me going that high. Right now I’m on 250mg test enan, 250mg sustanon, 150mg deca every 5 days. This feels nice!!!
The 30mg cialis experiment gave me huge veins. They were a junkie’s wet dream! Everything looked full and more detailed.
I tried something new in my bicep workout that I read about which is static holds like gymnasts do on the rings. I used the pull down machine and the bar that simulates the front double biceps pose. You pull the weight down just enough to do a front double biceps and hold it as long as you can. I was shaking at the 1 minute mark with only 120Lbs. The thought is gymnasts always have out of proportion biceps and they do a lot of static holds. I did 3 sets on the pull down machine and at the end of my workout I did 3 sets on the self spotting pull up machine. It pumped my biceps and lats like crazy!!!
This was cold this morning . At the gym I looked crazy when I was pumped but I can’t take my shirt off there.