Cutting up with COVID-19

Today I went 4 1/2 hours in between meals, not by choice, which is just plain old cruel when you’re dieting. Haha 😆
  • Meal 1: 10 egg whites, 1 slice Dave’s toast and 2 slices sour dough toast dry
  • Meal 2: 2 scoops oats and 2 scoops whey
  • Meal 3: 1/2lb turkey breast, 2 cups Thai rice , broccoli cauliflower carrots
  • Meal 4: same as meal 3
  • Meal 5: same as meal 2
I have never done a gram of test yet, but I did have a nice blast/cycle put together for me that has 1,200 of SUST/week and 600 of Test Cyp/week, and lower dosing of Mast P & NPP. Kind of excited to try it, because I know when I was doing 750 of Test E, I was making some mad gains.

Then, the other side of my brain is saying whoa nelly…
5 months cutting up with COVID-19:
Just woke up and popped 20mg Cialis and 25mg tbol. That was my last tbol capsule. I just ordered more. I’m not sure if I’ll do 25mg or 50mg daily this time. I get a feeling I’ll bump it up. Haha 👹
Last night I cheated and had a pizza and cookies so I’m expecting a monster arm pump today. Time to go make breakfast: 10 egg whites and 3 slices of dry toast, and a shot of apple cider vinegar.
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Ha ha pizza n cookies. I fucked up last night and made a small batch a ziti, little under half the box so almost a pound, like a hour before bed, I had my family over so my second dinner was a late one, didn’t sleep as good with a full stomach, but like you said @johnjuanb1 your pumps should be good and so will mine, I’m gonna use TNE/nandrobase/dbol as pwo gonna do traps n forearms
The pump was great today! My Flash Labs pack with more tbol comes Monday. I love the way he has the new website. It tells you when the order is completed, then you check status to see tracking. It’s super user friendly. I got test cyp, sustanon, deca, and tbol. I already have test enan so I’ll make a blend of test e, test c, and sustanon.
  • 3 sets machine preacher curls
  • 4 sets EZ bar curls
  • 4 sets cable EZ bar curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 3 sets cable push downs
  • 3 sets skull crushers superset with 3 sets narrow grip bench presses
  • 4 giant sets with non stop sets of one arm reverse cable push down, hammer grip push downs, and over hand pushdowns
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 4 sets rope crunches
It really is a hidden gem. Any reviews I see online that say it’s weak tells me they had fake tbol. It’s like safe dbol without the bloat.
Yesterday, I took off from the gym and had a big cheat breakfast and a big cheat dinner.
The pump today and the muscle fullness is very satisfying!
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell laterals seated with 40Lb dumbbells for 16-18 reps
  • 4 sets front dumbbell raises seated thumbs up. 27.5Lbs dumbbells for 16-18 reps
  • 4 sets dumbbell lateral raises seated with 27.5Lb dumbbells for 16-18 reps
  • 3 sets standing hammer strength shrugs with 3 plates each side
  • 3 sets seated hammer strength shrugs with 2 plates each side. Reps on shrugs are 16-18 approximately.
  • 30 minutes on the recombinant bike in the cardio theater. An Adam Sandler movie is on.
I started 50mg of tbol this morning 4 hours before I trained legs and I got up to my heaviest press weight since before March. I just helped my dad push his car and my elbows didn’t feel like they were about to tear apart either which is rare these days with my arthritis. Let’s see what 50mg tbol per day for 30 days can do. I’m also on a mix of sustanon, test enan, adding test cyp too, and deca. Tomorrow is supposed to be an off day but I have a feeling I’m going to want to skip it and do chest. 😀
Today was Day #2 on 50mg tbol a few hours preworkout. Today was supposed to be an off day but I did chest and it was real good. The pump felt different. My pecs felt very round and full. I also took 20mg Cialis. I see more vascularity while sitting here relaxed right now. Tomorrow is either an off day or back but I know I’ll want to do back. 😀
I watch boxing matches or MMA fights to keep me going I usually try to go hard when they’re doing their rounds in take a step back when they are taking a break