Cutting up with COVID-19

That’s awesome! I just finished training legs. No Anadrol today but I was extremely vascular for some reason. I went too heavy on hack squat machine so my inside right knee is sore. I should probably ice it.
I did:
  • 4 sets hack squat machine
  • 4 sets lying leg curls
  • 3 sets weighted hip thrust machine
  • 3 sets leg extensions
  • 3 sets seated leg curls
  • 4 sets butt blaster push back machine
  • 6 sets seated calf raises
  • 3 sets horizontal calf press machine
    Had a protein/oat shake immediately post workout. Next meal is rice cakes and turkey breast, and some peas, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower.
It’s my wife’s bday, so she wants Thai so she gets it, so my first dinner will be Thai but in moderation. Every time I check out sodium related stuff, I think of you @johnjuanb1 i know we’ve briefly discussed and I’ve recently changed to low sodium diet,doc said keep it under 2000mg, and I don’t like bein told what to do so I’ve kept it at 1000 per day, my wife said I’m ridiculous but it’s workin in favor of me this time
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That’s great that you’re keeping it to 1,000mg on the sodium. That’ll keep your blood pressure down. Good job!
Today, I took an Anadrol preworkout with 30mg Cialis. The pump was all over while training arms. It literally pumps your upperbody muscles everywhere.
I did:
  • 3 sets one arm preacher curl machine
  • 3 sets rope tricep push downs torquing outward at the bottom
  • 3 sets standing EZ bar curls
  • 3 sets reverse one arm cable tricep extensions, supersetted with over hand grip push downs, supersetted with hammer grip push downs , all supersetted with
  • 3 sets one arm cable curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls, supersetted with
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 2 sets with a long drop set on static bicep holds in the flexed position for as long as I could hold it. This was done on the lat pull down machine with 120Lb, 100Lb, 85Lb, 70Lb.
Today, I popped another Anadrol and 30mg Cialis preworkout and trained my full chest day and half my shoulder day so that I can take tomorrow off and pop another Anadrol on back/rear delts and traps day Sunday.

  • 3 sets chest press machine
  • 3 sets elbows down pec deck
  • 3 sets elbow high peck deck
  • 3 sets chest fly machine
  • 3 sets one arm cable flies upward for upper/inner cgest
  • 4 sets machine dips
  • 3 sets inclined machine
  • 3 sets another chest press machine
delts (middle + front)
  • 3 sets dumbbell laterals with a double drop on the last set
  • 3 sets front/middle combo exercise taking dumbbells up laterally, hold at parallel and rotate to front raise position , then lower down fully, then back up to parallel and rotate around to the side position while holding the dumbbells parallel to the ground, then down at the side. It’s a complex movement that burns like fire! 🔥
  • 3 sets shoulder press machine
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I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. Today is an off day from the gym which bums me out, but I know I’ll grow more giving the joints a rest. Tomorrow, I’ll have my huge weekly cheat breakfast of pancakes drowned in syrup, eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast loaded with butter and jelly, and orange juice. Then I’ll chew on a few Cialis pills and an Anadrol so the powder is in my mouth for hopefully quicker absorption. Then, I’m going to kill back, rear delts, and traps. The rest of the day is just protein shakes until my dinner cheat meal of garlic cheese bread, sour dough bread, pasta, eggplant parmigiana, salad, deep fried zucchini with ranch dressing, deep fried muzzerella cheese, and ice cream pie. Sunday is my piggy day! 🐷
Oh man all that sounds great a huge feed…I’m not working out tomorrow, but what exactly are you doin for traps?
I just found out dinner is canceled but breakfast is on. That’ll be better for my cutting anyway.
I’m just going to do dumbbell shrugs tomorrow for traps. I hurt my tricep tendon a few weeks ago going to heavy and doing too many sets on hammer strength shrugs so I can only get away with 3-4 sets while it’s healing, and I have to keep it light at 85Lb dumbbells.