Cutting up with COVID-19

Just had a real good pump at the gym. I was 3 pounds heavier from yesterday’s cheat food. The look was so much better! I did back and my instincts told me to do a little delts and biceps too.
  • 4 sets one arm cable rows
  • 4 sets tbar row machine
  • 4 sets narrow grip pull downs
  • 4 sets tbar rows with barbell
  • 3 sets dumbbell laterals
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls
You know what pulls me outta my own head sometimes anger,so if I called you a big for nothing, long haired,hippie, useless fucking dumbo, hairy chested ape fuck boy would it help?
Hey man I didn’t mean to be insensitive with my comment about “you need to stop with these broads”, I didn’t know this was a serious matter. I though you were just shootin the shit. I read on, I’m sorry to hear that. I had baby mama drama for over a year 2 years ago. And bc I moved on she was butthurt and basically pulled/ said the same shit. I had to get a lawyer who put together a motion for paternity to the court. After 9 months, all said and done, I have joint custody of my 3yo son. Hang in there. Do what you gotta do. Everyone here has your back. I’ve been through it all with her, thru the courts to get my son, so if you ever want advice about it let me know. Im sure Im not the only one here either who had to fight a bitch for their kid!
Today I hit some legs. I’m just trying to get my atrophied left leg to catch up to my right leg. I did:
  • 4 sets of hack squat machine
  • 3 sets of weighted hip thrusts
  • 4 sets of seated leg curls
  • 3 sets of leg extensions
  • 4 sets of seated calf raises
    My elbows are killing me today. I think this no fat diet is taking its toll on my joints,
I’m thinking I’ll change my diet eventually and add avocado, fish oil, and almonds, while lowering carbs and protein so my calories are roughly the same. I think I’ll order dbol and do test, deca, dbol when I place my next order.
So, today is 3 days without Anadrol and I have to say this is the healthiest I’ve felt in a long, long time. I just trained arms and my endurance was way up. I didn’t get the Anadrol pump obviously but I was up 3 pounds and very vascular due to eating deli London broil roast beef loaded with sodium everyday this week, 1 pound per day. I know it’s loaded with sodium because I keep having to get up and drink water all night. I just put 1/2lb of roast beef on 2 slices of toast with mustard, lettuce, and tomato.
  • 3 sets standing EZ bar curls
  • 3 sets cable push downs with a straight bar
  • standing cable bar curls with an EZ bar.
  • 3 giant sets of one arm reverse tricep push downs, overhand push downs, and neutral grip push downs.
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell hammer curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 3 sets static holds for biceps in a flexed double biceps pose on the lat pull down machine for as long as I could hold it. Last set was a double drop set
  • 3 sets tricep rope push downs
  • 3 sets standing rope crunches
Meal 1: 12 egg whites and 3 slice dry toast
Meal 2: 1/2Lb London broil, 2 slices toast, lettuce, tomatoes, mustard
Meal 3: 2 scoops whey protein and 2 scoops oats(2/3cup)
Meal 4: same roast beef sandwich
Meal 5 and 6: same protein shake