Cutting up with COVID-19

Man, everything is so full and round from the high sodium meat. Today, I’m going to get my sodium by making a box of rice o roni and split it in two meals with some type of meat. Rice o roni is loaded with sodium and tastes real good.
I just finished delts/traps:
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises
  • 4 sets bent lateral dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets lateral dumbbell raises with a 5 and 6 part drop set on the 2nd and 3rd set.
I can’t do any pressing and the front det is used in all crossover work really I can use fly machine if I do small range of motion.
Today I decided to do chest then triceps afterwards. I never do that but I follow my instincts, and my gut said try it out. To do this I cut back chest volume to 6 exercises instead of 8. When I transitioned into to triceps the pump was incredible, and my elbows didn’t hurt like usual since they were warmed up. I cut my tricep volume in half. I’ll see how this goes. Next workout I’ll add biceps to back with less volume for each.
  • 4 sets chest press machine
  • 3 sets pec deck elbows down and squeezing with the elbows
  • 3 sets pec deck elbows up
  • 3 sets hammer strength inclined with a 4 part drop set on the last set
  • 3 sets machine flies
  • 3 sets assisted dip machine
  • 4 sets rope push downs
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 1 three part set of reverse grip push downs to burn them out. The pump
    Was great!
It depends on what I’m going for I do arms separate currently cause I can’t really do my pl thing at the moment