Cutting up with COVID-19

I still feel like total crap. It’s been 3 weeks off and on, I can’t miss any more workouts so I loaded up on drugs(tianeptine sodium, fl-modanifil, sunifiram) and I hit delts and traps. It was a real good workout.
  • 5 sets lateral raises on a new machine that is so smooth and perfectly isolates the middle delt.
  • 3 sets of a superset of dumbbell side laterals and dumbbell front raises hammer grip style.
  • 3 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets hammer strength shrugs
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I’m at gym working on this
One right now holy cow
Does this take a long time hahahahaha. But my shoulders can deal
With it.
I get my own room where I just the door to stop contamination. If anybody gets melatonin and it smells of farts you know who made that
I’ve been training similar to Nick Walker as an experiment lately for the heck of it. I do lower volume and train everything every 4 days approximately instead of once a week. So far my joints feel a lot better and I look more full all of the time.
I do 2 on, 1 off, and have a 3 workout rotation.
Day 1: middle/lower chest, back thickness, legs, calves
Day 2: biceps triceps, abs
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: delts, traps, calves
Day 5: upper/inner chest, back width, legs
Day 6: OFF
Day 7: biceps, triceps, calves
Day 8/ delts, traps, abs
  • something like that. I only do 6-8 sets per muscle. 4 sets for calves.
Today I hit calves for the 3rd time in a week. I think this is the way to go for me. My calves grew best when I did them 3 times a week but my calves haven’t been in condition enough to handle it for a long time. It feels great now if I stick to only 4 good sets. I have this issue lately though where the night and folllowong day after training calves I limp bad and can’t put weight on my left foot. I’m convinced it’s from my spinal conditional because it’s only my left side of the lower body that has pain in the lower back, outer quad where it meets the ham, bottom of the foot, and the left trap and side of neck. It is what is it is though. I’m grateful I can workout.
Today I had a real good workout. I had a big Valentine’s Day breakfast with pancakes, scrambled eggs and cheese, bacon, and hashbrowns. Then I did two workout days in one.

  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs with 90’s
  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls on the inclined bench
  • 3 sets of dumbbell hammer curls super settled with standing straight bar curls at the lower half of the range of motion in only
  • 2 sets static holds on the front double biceps flexed position on the pull down machine
  • 4 sets rope push downs with an outward torque at the bottom
  • 3 sets of dumbbell kick backs super setted with single arm push downs on a back machine
  • 4 sets lateral raise machine
  • 3 sets super set dumbbell lateral raises with dumbbell front raises alternating a hammer grip with an over hand grip on the front raises
  • 4 sets bent over dumbbell lateral raises
  • 2 sets of standing rope abdominal crunches