Cutting up with COVID-19

That’s cool brother. My retirement gig has me flying a desk/computer 100%. So I don’t burn them like you.

I get up every 30 mins or so to walk stretch etc.
Today I decided to just do arms and save delts and traps for tomorrow. I had a real good pump from the 20mg Cialis and the salty mixed nuts with egg whites and whey protein preworkout.
  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls on the inclined bench
  • 3 sets one arm cable curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 4 sets rope push downs
  • 3 giant sets of one arms reverse grip push downs, over hand push downs, and hammer grip push downs.
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
I also supersetted the giant sets of one arm push downs with the one arm cable curls, and I supersetted the dumbbell kick backs with the dumbbell hammer curls

  • 2 sets standing rope crunches
Today I did delts, traps, and calves. The pump wasn’t that great which I have no idea why because I ate exactly the same foods and took the same preworkout. I Guess you just never know. It was a good workout though.
  • 5 sets of hammer strength shrugs
  • 5 sets machine lateral raises
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises hammer grip
  • 6 sets calf press machine
Today I only did 2 chest exercises and 2 back exercises. I stopped at maximum pump. My instinct told me any more would have been too much for today. I trained with some Disturbed music on si I was really into it, theleft when it felt just right.

  • 7 sets of barbell rows
  • 4 sets of cable rows
  • 3 sets of chest flies
  • 4 sets of inclined press
Flash told me he has been playing with some test suspension and nandrolone suspension preworkout. He really likes the pump. I’d like to try that sometime.
I was going to take today off but I said, “Fuck it!”, popped an Anadrol and a couple Cialis, and hit some arm supersets, which felt great! I love the pump! I haven’t used Anadrol in about a month so no negative sides of lethahia, just a killer pump and aggression!

  • 3 sets biceps preacher curl machine with a drop sets on set #2 and #3
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip tricep push downs with a drop set on each and supersetted with one arm cable hammer grip bicep curls supersetted with normal grip one arm cable bicep curls. So basically a 4 part superset of bis and tris.
  • 4 sets dip press machine
  • 4 sets one arm seated machine concentration curls supersetted with 4 sets tricep rope push downs.
  • 3 sets standing rope crunches for abs

- 6 sets calf press msxhune
Never eat egg whites, bean, turkey chilli preworkout, then think you can get away with farting on the pec deck machine. I looked around and none of the many hot girls were near by so I took a chance. Good Lord Almighty Jesus it stunk like the sewage along the Tijuana river. Sorry guys who were on the machines nearby. That was rank! I took it like a man and stayed on the machine basking in all its glory.
The pump doing alternating back and chest exercises after two days in a row taking Anadrol and Cialis was awesome! Tonight is my weekly cheat meal. I’m going to eat an entire pizza, a Hershey’s almond chocolate bar, and some starburst flavor-reds. I’ll wash it down with diet Dr. Pepper. Why diet? I’m retarded like that.
I ate an entire pizza, a bag of chips, a big chocolate bar, and a bunch of starbursts. And the Diet Dr. Pepper which negates all of the calories from the food, of course. 😀