Cutting up with COVID-19

That’s great that you have been able to get your BP down I know what a challenge it is with medication and without smh.
You have been really discipline with your diet and regimen good for you brother its no easy task especially with all the craziness going on right now.
Dropping lisinopril is causing a rebound in my blood pressure today but I’m hoping after a week my bp will go back down. Lisinopril makes me cough so everyone thinks I have COVID-19. It’s funny watching people run away. Haha 😆
Today, I got my cardio up to a 22 minute fast walk. Later, I’ll do 3 minutes of pornhub forearm cardio training.
For ARMS, I did biceps band curls with all different angles super high burning reps supersetted with triceps push downs with reverse grip, overhand grip, and hammer grip. 5 supersets, very high reps. Then 4 giant sets for delts with side laterals, front raises, military press, upright rows, and raises at a 45 degree angle.
Slow and steady will get this layer of fat off.
This lockdown has me getting creative with my band workouts. Today I figured out how to do pull downs of all variations with my front door. Haha I was using a tree outside but the door gives me new angles to play with. It’s a very old solid wood door so I think it should hold up with the abuse. Haha
If you guys like coffee I found the best tasting coffee protein powder ever. ON GOLD STANDARD WHEY COFFEE. It tastes just like dark roast coffee, no chemical taste or after taste. They really nailed it with this flavor.
I found a new way to use my kettle balls and man the bands I also use those and many different variations so I’ve deafly guy and creative I deftly understand where you’re coming from
Today is 32 straight days without a cheat meal. Just oats, rice, 21 seed/grain toast dry, turkey breast, egg whites, whey protein, orange juice for my vitamin C, Greek yogurt. NO SALT on anything, just garlic powder and red peppers.
I’ve been doing 30 minutes of power walking now after my lifting routine. Today, I did all supersets of back and chest. 12 sets chest and 12 sets back: pushups, band flies, one arm rows, one arm pull downs, face pulls, pull overs with bands, rear delt flies.
I’m still using 1cc sustanon, 1cc masteron enan, and 1cc tren enan, split shots Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Preworkout cialis for the pump and the post workout boner.
Todays workout was done with the Netflix Rhonda Rousey story on. I’m watching it now with tingles in my wiener from the cialis. I don’t care what anyone says, Cialis makes me horny as a goat.
Just did a half hour of fasted cardio.
I think I’ll do arms and delts tomorrow. My right elbow needs a break. I’ll do another half hour of cardio later this afternoon.
My friend who is a men’s classic physique pro used to do 3 cardio sessions a day precontest, only 15-30 minute sessions. He got super ripped that way! Basically, keep spiking the metabolism with short bursts of cardio so you don’t lose muscle.