Well being a Marine for 21 years it was beaten into me every day. And I impressed upon my Marines it will save your life. “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”. Consistency is your friend and will keep you alive. Discipline will keep you on this planet.
I agree, I’ve struggled with that, I can go years with being really disciplined on meals and training and then it’s like I revert to skipping meals and junk food.
I think a lot has to do with periods of depression and shit, but who knows.
Depression is a motherfucker. But good discipline will get you through those days. Routine. Training. Diet. Focus on those and the depression seems like a pebble not a boulder. Easier to deal with. At least that works for me. When I wake up and feel tgat fucker lurking around I just go into training mode. Do what I do for my routine. Every day. My wife can tell you what I do EVERY morning EVERY day.
Yep depression sucks fucking so much. I cried like three times at work the other day I felt so shitty. I’m not a fraud to let it it out though cause it helps me get past quicker
I have changed Aromasin to 12.5 every other day now that bumped up test and added eq. But this low
Was going to hit no matter what. I have about a 4 day spell every four months or so.
I feel you boss prob the large amounts of mind altering drugs we have done in our lives take it out on the gym or go get some strange and sport f@ck
For a few hours lick a little butthole you know good times
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