SB Labs

Decca and test what to do


Active member
I still have a Deca and Test cycle left. What should I do? I’m not trying to put on wieght at all costs. Good article but I think 200 ml a week is to much for me. With past cycles and hrt I had a lot of bloating although my strength was high and libido was good. I cant mess this cycle up so do I need anything else or what advice should I take to not bulk with this cycle but cut?
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Agree … diet is key! I had used deca and sustanon exclusively in my late 20s the early 2000s … Two notorious “bloating” compounds… low carb diet and cardio and I had successfully cut on 400/400 mgs 16 week cycles …. That seemed to be the go to cycle back in the day! I was 265 lbs then…. Couldn’t imagine carrying that kind of weight now!
Oh yeah bout to grill some porterhouses my friends wife is asking me all sorts of questions about drugs which is nice. Seeing as he is ex undercover and now atf. She means well
Thanks. I will try to eat less refined carbs, lots of cardio and try to take more test than deca i guess and than a pct. Its the only gear I have with limited arimidex and clomid. Not interested in very much after this cycle except for GH. I get really big on gear fast and dont workout enough to get quality results. What do you guys think of Gh-is it worth a try. I heard people sleep like babies on it and i have a sleep problem.