SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Check it out @Dirtnasty that’s 22 days ago less than a month you already are lean as f#$% and big as f#$% seriously
Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle Training-Diet-Logs
[image] see tightening up this pre pump I’m eating before workout


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Love handles are tougher to make go away the longer they have been there. I never really paid any attention to mine, but now that I’m older, I give a shit, and those fuckers are nearly impossible to make go away. Heavy squats, deads, and core work help. But they always pop back after a cheat meal. UGH.
Probably cause the two bench sessions this week but sm shoulder didn’t feel
Strong today will do some db for pump stoke that went o do 90’s about 20 below normal and couldn’t hit one rep so I guess I got front delts good already
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He will definitely need help measuring lol but honestly @Dirtnasty im curious about your arm, chest measurements because you look really big in the pictures but I believe that you are actually bigger
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It helps prevent aromatase from taking place allowing more testosterone to be bioavailable.
It isn’t an AI like some compounds
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