SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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SC is as Bible Belt as it gets the edible did hit decently hard. I would say harder than the supposed. 50 mg real ones she got from her dealer. If it doesn’t come in package from store it’s a crap shoot of how much is in it i guess. Probably won’t make it habit to eat them but if they are legal I would go a buy some for a relaxing evening
Hopefully people soon enough come to there senses and allow medical marijuana across the country.
I don’t even care if its legal it would be great but just a good medical program would make me happy.
I believe that the medical programs are horrible in some states its great Colorado California there loving life over there they have more choices than they know what to do with lol

Its interesting that you liked that edible did it feel the same? @Dirtnasty
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Yeah no difference at all. I’m giving it maybe two more months before it gets pulled off shelves here. I mean I can easily access the other stuff just I don’t really like to risk it cause I don’t partake enough. I’m not really a smoker as my fat ass doesn’t need any more reasons to breath heavy while lifting. And honestly it’s more so I don’t have the glass pieces I like to work with. And if I Go buy a water pipe for her place I know I’ll lose it in the break up and I’ll want to buy multiple pieces as live different types of percolators for my smooth hits haha
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Just saw a guy switch the hooks in squat rack to hit face mirror. Clicked for me he’s doing meet prep. Will remember to start to squat not facing mirror lead if you to it so it doesn’t freak me out whe I get in front of people
When I saw the dude had his walk out down and breathing the same and exploding out of hole it just made sense. Power lift meets there are I mirrors just a bunch of guys with beer guts looking back at you as you struggle to get the bar up hahaha. I may even find the ugliest people in the gym to stare at me as I lift hahah
Blahahaha it’s been said training with powerlifters is having a bunch of fat sweaty guys yelling at you
Ok so back day

Bent rows at about 45 degree angle I find it’s the angle that hits lats best for me sets of 8- 320,340340
Hammer iso row hitttng mid back sets of 10-4 ppsx3
Single are pulldowns 12-80 each arm was able to really hit lower par with pulling way out front
Meadows rows 10- 75 on bar x3
Life fitness row12-170
Some pump work in bis cause forearm didn’t cooperate on arm day
It was still just had a bit over used from all the heavy dead’s and what not it’s fine now I also think going heavier on bench again they need to get reconditioned to holding the weight
Yeah honestly the rolling of fill drums of ahit on and off pallets probably doesn’t help at work either. I mean they got so used to straps that the heavy dead’s are doing a bit of damage so hopefully some growth max next next week will do strap max after seeing f what I can get with grip only
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