He was a bench monster for sure. Did you see the footage where he tore his pec? It was in raw competition I believe. He was wearing a tank top…it wasn’t pretty.
Good girls I did Wednesday are killing me so sore in my thighs. Also it feels like the vsquat hit my quads better than leg press so May just do those the rest of the month and see how growth goes could do wider leg press then close vsqUt. And juat really crush legs.
Anadrol and halo today I’m Gigi to go fight a bar. Last hard day before deload next week my Leo owes are screaming at me. And with cut I think ousinging it wasn’t the smartest but it’s what I do
With my work
Schedule and me wanting to build squats more I may try deadlifting every other week. It seems I do better when having a break from lift. Do some good mornings and front squats on back day the other week is maybe what I’ll do. But I think going into first meet I want to try this out. I don’t know it’s probably also do to cut and stress but man I come off breaks and hit prs then two weeks Later struggle maybe I’ll win lottery and have a great sleep pattern a then can push like I want but it just doesn’t seem possible with twelve hour days
Ok dead’s sucked but rest of workout went great.
Dead’s 635 for 2 said fuck it and just went again got a rep said today ain’t my day here
Hammer iso machine pulldown 3x8-130 each arm
Tbar 3x12-3plates
Hammer iso low row standing lean single arm 3x12-15-2 plates
Sitting leg curls 3x15-170 leaned forward to get extra stretch
Machine rows high position 3x15-130 with Myo reps on last set
Hammer abs machine 4x12-70
Seated hammer shrugs 3x12-3 pps
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