Dirts 2g of test test log

Just ate before chest days still tired weighed 286 so 8 pounds up in one week but that’s not bad with filling up muscles.
Deload didn’t happen worked in with guys that are doing meet and felt great. So went for heavy 8’s. Used skinny bar like comp and felt good 435 for 8 rpe 8 probably
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Bench 3x8-405,425,435 455x3
Incline hammer machine 3x12-3pps1/4
Machine flys 3x12-210
Lat raise ss3x15-60/10
Hammer machine decline 3x12-60
Dip push down 175x10
Hahah. They are starting to pop even with the 8 pound weight gain in week. Once that tren hits next month watch out.
Trying to deload today but….using different rack and the height of j hooks are better for low at and those feel strong. Now the negative the safety bars are two high I’m hitting hands on them at above parallel
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Squats 2x8-465
Sldl 2x6-465
Leg press3x12-15-8pps close leg 12-15-6pps
Good girls 3x15-290
Ab machine 4x12-15-75
Leg extension 3x15-150
Maybe cardio later if I can walk

Call me the quad toddler cause they are just about to start growing up


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Arm day weight d 284 so little water retention with splitting hgh feel good actually got sleepy blast night feel like I’m adding mass to ven though weight is same. So that’s good strong too
Arm day
Jm press 3x8-275,315x2
Cable curls 3x8-95
Seated dips 3x15-20-259
Incline curls 3x15-25
Over head rope extensions 3x20 95
Ss with face pulls3x20-42.5
Reverse curls 3x8-85