Dirts 2g of test test log

Possibly. You have a bp monitor at home? If not get one and check regularly for now. Also get a monitor for your heart rate as your upping things and start taking normal readings for a week then when you make changes or feeling “off”.
I’m better now that I’m at gym and moving although squats still suck but that maybe mentally a thing I’m sure next week will be great only three days removed from cut and freshly single. Think I may start to split the hgh to 2 iu twice daily pre bed post workout
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Im going to pay attention to this log, see how your high dose test run goes. The one guy i know who ran high test, he ran 2.5g test e per week with i think 8iu hgh. Said he felt super legatharic and quite after 6 weeks.
I think it was mostly the hgh.

R u running any AI with the test?
So in good news of day have two guys from gym entering meet with me. And I made it theoryfh my leg day here we go
Squats 3x5-455 just mentally not there inguess doesn’t help I was text with ex about break up during
Sldl 3x6-455
Close leg front vsquat3x8/10-4pps
Good girls full stack 3x15
Abs for. A bit skipped cardio just feel tired
Yeah next week I’m
thinking I’ll be back
To feeling tip top no distractions less stress i life should help.