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DiscoStu's Supertotal Training

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Morning Bodyweight: 217.8lbs (finally broke through!)

PM Workout

1)Treadmill/Bodyweight Strength Circuit

Sprint on treadmill hard for :15s, hop off and perform 10 reps of a bodyweight strength exercise, rest :45s and repeat for 12 reps.
  1. Medicine Ball Circuit - 200 throws/calisthenics all in a row without rest.
Have been busy the last few days moving out of my apartment. The wife and I bought our first home but unfortunately we won’t move in until mid September (its a new build) so we’re crashing in a friends basement for the next 6 weeks or so.

I’ve still been training and pinning on schedule. Nutrition has taken a little hit but we’re finally back on track today.

Will post up today’s training and nutrition later.
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Power Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk 6x1+1+1 (155lbs)
Bench Press - 3x5 (185lbs)
Deadlift 2x5 (300lbs)
RDL 3x5 (225lbs)

The deload has been helpful and I feel ready to restart this 12 week program over. For the next 4 weeks I’ll keep running just the 400mg Test C but I’m also plan on introducing TBol and potentially a low dose NPP (more for pain relief) and we will see where that takes me.

Kept calories low today as diet got off track on Thursday/Friday due to moving. The wife and I decided to treat ourselves and went to town on some Mexican last night as a reward for getting everything done a full day before we had to turn the keys in to the landlord so I’m sure I put a little water weight back on which isn’t a huge deal.
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No training but got a shit load of cardio in and burned a lot of calories so I let myself have a little more to eat today.

Pinned 200mg of Test C.

Restarting my 12 Week Super Total program program and I’m feeling good and ready.


AM Bodyweight 216.0

AM Workout

Full dynamic warm up
Sprints with sled - 1x20,25,30yd
Sprints without sled- 1x20,25,30yd

PM Workout

Snatch 3x3 (155lbs)
Muscle Snatch 5x2 (155bs)
Pause Front Squat 3x3 (198lbs)
Hatfield Squat up to 315x8


PM Training

Treadmill/Bodyweight Strength Circuit

Set #1
:16s Sprint, Rest :44s (during rest perform 10 reps of a bodyweight exercise)

Set #2
16 minutes walk (every 1:15 hop off and perform 10 reps of bodyweight circuit)

Wife and I went to a food festival this evening so not sure on my macros. Ate very light during the day to account for it so I think I’m only on overall calories.
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AM Bodyweight 216.4lbs

PM Lifting

Clean and Jerk 3x3 (187lbs)
RDL 4x5 (235lbs)
Bench Press 3x8 (176lbs)
Spoto Press 3x3 (176lbs)

Starting the Super Total training with slightly lighter maxes was a good call. I feel much better and feel like i am recovering better. Everything felt good today.

Solid day overall.

Yup trying to shoot for a 500 deficit but the wife wanted a beer and I couldn’t say no. Too many good breweries where we live. But apps like this are nice for fitting things like that in and not sweating it too much.

As long as I’m hit some type of deficit Im good. I just want room for some weight to come back on once I start the TBol and go back to “maintenance” calories.
Not much @Bigmurph! Got some pool time lined up on Sunday but today is a quiet day other than training. I do need to post up yesterday’s training though…


1- Power Snatch + Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 6x1 (155lbs)
2-Split Jerk (155lbs)
3-Back Squat 3x5 (275lbs)

Today was very easy. Lowering my maxes by 10% may have been too much but I’m going to stick with it. In Week 4 and 8 of the program you do get to push for rep maxes on all lifts so I can always readjust and bump things back up if I perform well.

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I highly recommend it. You can even scan the barcode on foods that you are eating to find them rather than manually typing the macros in.
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