SB Labs

Drop your cocks and grab your socks gentlemen were goin to war

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning my fellow Americans, what is everyone doin for the weekend? I am goin to my brother in laws bday party today, he will get a nice big 20ML bottle a sust from my good friend which I’m sure will be the best present he gets.tomorrow I’m going riding on the quad and do some outside shit around the house, I’m feelin upbeat and positive for once in my life, so my short term goals are not to upset the wife over the weekend, and enjoy as much as I can, spending time with the wife n kid.
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I feel you I been up since 5:30 my boy is like a machine so we been playing knuckle sandwiches he is only three but he is like turning a wild animal loose in your house
I am off all weekend so breakfast this morning with the wife. And then some shopping.
Then plan on going to my favorite restaurant tonight.
Not much else. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
As you should brotha, cherish the time you have with family, enjoy your weekend man. With the nice weather this weekend I’m going to need winterize my kayak and clean up outside.
I heat wrap it then just throw a tarp on it, my kayak weighs around the 120lb. mark so it’s little tough to get it in the basement
I’m watching Iowa run through Michigan State… a little later I’ll be smoking a pork belly, 2 racks of baby backs, 2 racks of beef short ribs and 2 chickens… glad to hear you’re feeling upbeat @John
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