SB Labs

Dropping body fat while on birthcontrol


Active member
I am just curious to see if any other female is having or has had this problem. I started the BC pill about 8 months ago and have noticed a 8lb weight gain that no matter what I do with diet and exercise I just can’t seem to get past. I went to get bloodwork done and the doc said my estrogen level was at 140 when a normal score is 40 so he prescribed me winstrol 5mg daily. He also tested my thyroid and has me on T3 medication 2x a day. Everything else in the bloodwork test came back fine and normal. I have been on this new medication for about 2 weeks now but instead noticing a weight loss or bodyfat drop, I am seeing an increase. I don’t want to do another form of BC, but was wondering if anyone else had this same experience or issue and if you were able to find a solution where you were still able to stay on the pill and continue to make fitness progress…
Why did he prescribe winstrol instead of prescribing lowestra the bc with lower estrogen and side effects?

If you want to stay on the pill and have less water retention that’s the pill for you

The t3 and winstrol should have you pretty ripped once you get that estrogen down you could even take a dose or 2 of exemestane to drlp the number close to in range
Agree with Murph on this one. You should be on Lo Lo, get the estrogen in check, then maybe add in the Winstrol after that takes place. I think you will be fine though to stay on the Thyroid meds, since they do aid in that.
So this doc I went to was not a gyno he was is an alternative medicine provider. He gave me the winstrol to bring my estrogen levels down. 5mg dissolvable tablets under the tongue. That is great to know about that other bc though, I will make an appointment to see if I can switch pills.

What vendor would you recommend for that exemestane?
I would recommend a physician consult as well. Taking adex or aromasin would theoretically interact with your BC pill. Probably better to switch a low low dose.