Eating on the weekends?

Don’t know my body fat, never have but let’s just say I can eat whatever whenever and have abs without barely working them
Yeah I can’t do that. My metabolism is too slow. I started cycle at 160 ish now I’m in the 180s but sounds like you are in the 7-10% bf range considering the abs. Where as I am for sure floating at 20% or around there now thanks to cycle and water retention because apparently the AI hasn’t done it’s job 😂
Hey @ATAVUZ I think my dinner was like 1300 cals, 6 soft shelled tacos, let, tomato,guac, sour crm, cheese, beef, hot sauce. Then I smoked, ate my wife’s leftovers, which was fuckin wheat noodles and butter n pepper, then dam near half a ice cream cake
I’m weak… Lol. Your quality of life must be amazing as hell. Aye what you been smoking? I’ve been smoking black and milds… Like 3 of them at work to stay awake.
Ha ha my quality of life interesting the way you put it,ha ha well it’s not nicotine that helps me eat, my dad kid n I went fishing he cane over for dinner and he rolled a joint, shit my mom smokes, my dad, 2/3 of my sisters, my wife, both my brother in laws aunt uncle
Haha yeah like you can go out to eat and order whatever you want off the menu and be good. It is what it is. I feel like a dummy when my girls like hey what you eating and I’m like idk I guess something with meat and vegetables lol. That’s one thing that’s bad about eating a lot is getting that bloat feeling. It makes you sleepy too. Sometimes when I eat all you can eat sushi on the weekends I’ll eat so much to get my moneys worth that it’s painful to put on my seatbelt. I regret it Everytime but then I’ll do it again if that’s what’s for dinner next week 😂 i wish I could smoke the good stuff, tobacco Is no fun
It is nice, but my doc told me to keep sodium down n I have been not ordering out if you hear me talk about food it’s usually homemade my wife eats healthier
Gotchya. My girl has done all my pins too. It was like two week ago though in my right delt when the needle entered, my arm jolted and scared the shit out of me, and it hurt. So far that’s been my only horrible injection. The rest is just pip.