SB Labs

FARTS and food prep and those pierogies

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It sounds we all have farting in common.
Only my fat girlfriend farted. The others never did. One was on the exact same diet as me too. In 2 years of living together I never smelled a fart come out of her. Her twin sister said she does sneaky farts.
Most do. I know a girl that lived with a guy and she wouldn’t even poop at her own house. She’d hold it or go to the gas station but she was paranoid of being smelly I front of guys. Women are weird that way.
One ex used to fart way too often and laugh so I had no issues Dutch ovening her. Then I had friends wife who would always pass gas and try and blame
Me for it. Like how the fuck are you trying to set meUp with your friend and then blaming me
For farting right in front of her.
Hahaha my wife did that to herself once. I farted under the blanket and then she smelled it and she said yucks then pulled the blanket over her face to cover the smell I laughed and said “you know I farted under the blanket”. Hahahaha

Question why do burning farts always smell the worst? What makes them hot? Let ask a medical professional @NeuroRN
I had a girlfriend like that. She didn’t poop when the guy was home for 6 years. I had her pooping while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. She was proud of that. Haha 😂
He probably thought he died and ended up in hell.
I have read a lot of NDE’s that say God has a real good sense of humor. I think somewhere in a past life I made fun of people with gas, and now he gave me the gas issue as pay back. I’m sure he gets some good laughs off me.
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