Dirts ipl north americas log

Been thinking and trying think a out anything but the negatives well I’m trying to tackle an issue currently and I wonder if I do my test shots separate and sub q then it would less the volume bg a little bit in my muscles. With our quads I’m. Not sure how the rotation. Will work and keep everything spread apart t enough for shit to not accumulate
Probably way to thick to get your arm around for lats. I’ve heard told of hitting traps but Ive never tried them.
I’m shutting down anything social on the internet for the time being I’m
Not feeling good and I’m not going be saying thing that will just make people worry. Covid has not been easy this go round I have sores in my mouth that are liking it no fun to eat and not being in the gym just isn’t helping me
All either
No longer physically sick but mentally still terrible cry at least 4 times a day I’m not sure if my leg is good to go if I’ll be able to get back in the mindset of prep.
Well I’m flip flopping It would be great opportunity to just focus on and orep with no work then look for work when not at gym but I’m planning on moving to a larger metropolitan areas within 2 hours for my dad. I was ready to hair accept living here and making it work around me like getting plates and all that for gym but now it’s fresh start I can move and try to find a better place. Life will probably never be good for me so I’ll just try and look for positive part in. Each piece of shit it hands me
Other than hungover yeah. Will get back in gym tomorrow and will see what the leg can handle on Saturday. Let my coach know what we are doing and go from there
Ive been behind…i feel your issues @Dirtnasty ,i wish i could pass on my being ok with lack of intimacy/connection with a female or anyone for that matter,i dont mind connecting with people,buti dont need it,or want it for the most part with the exception being my Daughter/mom/sisters other then that id rather be left alone.
Maybe i forgot something @Dirtnasty what about mental meds,what about talk therapy alongside mental meds…dont give no excuses either,ive done ALL KINDS of Therapy,and Meds,you havent tried anything i havent…
I could use more therepy. If for anything just to stop telling everybody all my problems. That’s one good thing about fresh start at new job is i don’t have to tell these people all my past issues in life. Nobody there has to know I had issues with coke and I plan to try and not tell them.