Dirts ipl north americas log

Man an issue crossed my mind even if I’m good to go I’ll be losing my insurance and that could be an issue. I want to compete on the larger stage but the more I’m thinking it might not be the year for me to do. That said if I get under a bar and can do some weight no pain Saturday I’m sure my mindset will change
So I went ahead and started pinning cycle again Wednesday and so currently .3ml gc test e 250 1ml flash tren ace 125 and pq ment with switch to psl in a few day 1.5 ml 50 I thought of dropping /5 of ment and keeping .5ml of mast e 200 but then I realized I was on last vial so will just go forward with ment being high and add 50 proviron a day
Today went so bad on bench that I don’t even need to put weight on my back tomorrow I’ll be asking for injury. I didn’t 500 for 1 was only planning on 2 and the way the one felt if I went for two something bad was goig to happen. It went up good liek I had three in me. But for once I listened to the body.
I’m good at knowing when I have another rep or not it’s just I don’t trust when the bar moves well that the small little pop was a real problem I have to do that next rep to make sure. Then that pop turns to rip crinkle crinkle crinkle
More terrible sleep but had great conversation with the raver chick. It looks like we may give us a try. We’ve both had some changes in our lives the past couple weeks that will make it easier for us to see each other more and see how we do with each other in person. So we are gojg to take advantage of it. The only thing holding us back was time and distance.
Well I don’t think I’m doing the meet I’m still struggling with eating what I need to lethargy tren is probably last roids i need to be running right now for breathing
Well i would notice AND I did DM you so you dont notice shit either,and now that message is erased,so HA HA,now youll never know shitnasty
Recently it took me 48 hours of not answering calls and texts until my dad was beating the shit outta my door,and i wasnt home,but im sure my family is worried about my well-being probably 97% of the time.
So hurricanes officially took me out of meet power is down for the next couple of days and food won’t be Abel to be eatin with no gym access. But life is good it saves me hotel cost.