SB Labs

Dirts ipl north americas log

Couldn’t do shit just going to take this week off if lower body movements and assess again next week peptides are on way if I can pull heavy ish next week and squat around 500 or so we’ll see what we can do come meet if not we’ll looks like I’ll do bench only or just pull out completely
So many injections. Doing 500 of both each day bpc split into to injections as day wil do when I do hgh. Do 20 days of bpc 10 of of the tb500 should know before then what I have to do meet wise
Day two and I feel like shit. Got headache and body hurts. It possible I was injured eveywhere and imm just feeling the fixes happening
Bad news date canceled again tomorrow. The whole too good to be true she seemed perfect but if you never actually plan on meeting me it’s not goig to work. Good news that leaves me all day go see if I can put weight on my back. If I can’t I think I’ll just go ahead cancel my meet and go out and get drunk for the first time since July 3. I had drinks after that but I didn’t get drunk. I’m not in the best place of mind right now and it’s beginning to feel a lot like bender
Good news I got dhb fairy to show today and my hgh I was worried about was at door. 36iu kits so I got to don1.2 ml to get 3 ius at 1 on insulin pin if this stuff is good could try higher doses again at the price I paid
Can’t test them but proabablh fine. I’m on day 4 of when I started to feel symptoms. Irony is the chick could have held of canceling till today and we may still be talking because I would have canceled instead but now I have zero prospect romantically and I’ll be honest this depresses me a lot I’m so starved for intimacy
I haven’t any meaningful intimacy other than kisses from my ex in over a year I’ve only had sex twice this this year and once it hits October it will be. Rolling 12 of 2 times I can’t continue this way I’m not ok being alone I absolutely hate it. I can’t go another year being alone if it happens I’m
Coming off gear as I just can’t stand the hi gf libido with no one to share it with it just doesn’t make sense to me how easily I make friends male and female but I can’t find a person who wants to be with me romantically I don’t get it
Dirtnasty said:
I make friends male and female but I can’t find a person who wants to be with me romantically I don’t get it
Life and people are weird. You just haven’t found that one lady yet. When you do and you will… the rest will come out of the woodwork.
People say I will buy there so many people out her that never did that I’m lost sure I will. I really wish that I could just live life and not want the company of an other. I think I could be happy if I just didn’t crazy intimacy
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