SB Labs

Favorite aas and why?


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for myself. ,
tren a , and prop . i ran tren for i think 1.5 years. , calm knows. dont get me wrong i took my down time but it was , tren after tren. …im a novoice. and i dont need nothing ceazy for me. …but. tren fits my mindset. , im up all night anyway , the sweats dont bother me. , also every tren cycle i ran no ai was needed. …(im also not e2 sensative and have 6 years exp) dont get me wrong i always have. ai, da. , and im trt. …
i love the mind set the drive i get off it. , i have been off all aas except my trt dose ,( which i cruose on prop) prop is by far my favorite. …i been off 3 months and out of gym for a month. but. there is a tren run in the next. week or two. …
Yes! King Tren! I have a love hate relationship with it. My favorite compound in terms of length of time to which I see visible results would be anadrol. The jacked up LFTs is cause for me not use it often. However, I do enjoy reaping the benefits of it. 😊
dam a year and a half on tren?!
I haven’t run the whole variety pack of oils (only test mast primo and orals) but i never plan on running tren 😛
Mast is by far the best
Npp you can cut you can bulk and it starts to work so fast some of my best kept gains are without a doubt from npp.
Just talking about it makes me want to start running some.
Obviously people can tell which mine is by my username lol. I love tren and prop. Always feel my best on it. Because the daily pinning I switched to biosira oral tren and love it. Honestly I feel like a god on tren. My usual go toos are always Prop, Tren and Mast.
thats why your tren god. … my liver isnt the best. so i dont think the oral any good for me. … i wish i could tho. , i got like 8 sites for pinning going. and a few more in the making.
not stright my friend. i was on 8 weeks off a month. , … i took time in between …
murph is 100% correct. npp a wonderful compound. and trens sister. …
I love the versatility of NPP. It is a staple compound for me. My cycles include NPP unless it’s a Tren run of course–which is usually part of my cut. I am leaning towards NPP, TPP, and Mast for my next cut cycle though.
This same cycle has been on my mind I actually have everything ready to go but my next is a primo var hgh low test. I might add a little dhb
i actually started a ment cycle. and bailed on it. , i can run tren all day everyday. , and no ai needed. , i think like 12 days on ment had my e2. going crazy it threw mw for a loop. …
i wasnt 100% right either i may give it another whirl. i got it. …
npp and deca. i stay away from. i got fucked up from a deca run. i was green. just did 25 years. , i knew nothing met a gym rat from the joint. , hom and a source had me on. deca anadrol , test. no ai. no caber. no nothing. needless to say what happened. and ever since i just cant do a deca or npp cycle. …i got a bad taste in my mouth.

but its crazy that ill run tren a. all day everyday.
Tell me more about your MENT experience. I’m currently doing some research on it and find the use of it in other countries in TRT is interesting to say the least.
not much to tell i bailed on it very quickly. im not e2 sensative. and. it threw me for a loop. , i was battleing my e2 to keep it right. … some say the libido goes threw roof i lost mine. …but then agion i can run 100 mg tren a , with minium sides. i get a appaite on tren a , and i can and do bulk on tren a and prop. …of course we all know its not the compound its diet which dictates goal. …so for me with tren. i eat my ass off and im a freak with libido.
Side Effects

Again, MENT aromatizes more like a testosterone than a nandrolone. Thus, for the side effects of MENT see Testosterone Propionate.

Thats the only thing that has stopped me from trying it myself.

I have been interested in running mhn but geneza stopped production
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Boy, this is hard to say what my favorite is since each has its place in view of a goal. But i can say that test prop is my favorite base compound. Mast prop i include in every cycle for shbg control, goes great with tren ace or npp. I have a special relationship with tren ace, its like a mistress or something. I gave her the pet name “Treena”, i guess thats pretty telling 😜. Stanolone is a great finishing compound too. I run it at the same dose as mast p.

Im going to run MENT in September-October. Maybe it will make the list?
My favorites are definitely test e or c e when cycling c when cruising. I love dbol but I cannot use it anymore because it’s spikes my blood pressure way too much that it’s dangerous for me to use what now I love running anavar and I’ve discovered that I just started running mhn methyl hydroxy nandrolone is effing amazing I’ve never ran an oral this strong I’ve never ran anything this strong it literally is a game-changer for me. I run Primo which is amazing as long as it is legit Primo from 500 mg to 1000 it can really do amazing things. Proviron has always been a staple for me in every cycle even when I cruise because I believe that freeing up testosterone and not letting it just aromatase is so important I feel that wasting any testosterone is just wasting. I also believe & running nolvadex while on cycle or while just running testosterone and not always running an aromatase inhibitor I will run aromasin only when necessary when blood work shows that my estrogen levels are just too high. I believe that estrogen is a very anabolic compound in the body that needs to be at a high level during your cycle to allow you to get maximum gains and running nolvadex protect you against gynecomastia. I also enjoy running caber while using nor 19 compounds to protect against prolactin and progesterone side effects. In my last cycle I used deca which I never will again and iLearn the importance of using caber while on a nor 19 compound I never had any problems using NPP so I thought that I would be alright on Deca but it was a whole different ballgame with that long Ester attached the testosterone was out of my body and the nandrolone was still there and my progesterone shot up and I developed a gyno bump it was small and I was able to treat it and actually get rid of it with nolvadex 40 mg a day for 3 months then 20 mg a day for another 3 months and it finally disappeared I still now use nolvadex everyday at 10 mg.
Sorry this was kind of a rant I apologize for it I just got into the moment.
I definitely do recommend that everyone runs primobolan sometime 500mg to 1000 mg for at least 20 weeks and if you can use anavar and HGH in the cycle I’m using mhn and anavar to finish I might get more mhn and just not use the anavar at all finishing with the mhn I think will be perfect I believe that mhn is a true finisher right now I am Rock Solid I’ve never been so defined and hard in my life. Ending a cycle with mhn becoming this solid at the end is everyone’s goal I believe it’s my goal at the end of every cycle to be Rock Solid.👍🤘:facepunch:
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