First Cycle Log | Test E 300mg/week | Advice Welcome


Sorry it has been about 2 weeks since the last update, I lost all my info, etc. on my phone. I have been trying to recover it all.

Anyways, I feel amazing, besides the fact I don’t get optimal sleep every day (just due to college + work + gym) other than that, I have remained pretty consistent on my diet & my lifts keep going up. I do have a progress photo I will post below, It was from about a week & a half ago.

Furthermore, something weird & kind of funny. I have absolutely 0 PIP when pinning on my left Glute (non dominant hand) but when I pin on my right Glute (dominant hand) I also have minor PIP for about a day or so. Very odd.

Lastly, as said before I will update my ONE MONTH stats tomorrow so we can see what progress I have made & I will attach a progress photo from about 2 weeks ago so you can see where I am at. This has been an eye opening experience so far & I am glad with how things are going.

Personally I still feel really small but I have always had a terrible self-image. As always let me know if you have ANY suggestions or questions.
Alright man sounds good, I’ll upload the photo from 2 weeks ago & tomorrow in the AM ill upload a up to date photo. Unfortunately I am at work for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow I will be able to take my updated Weight + Progress Photo & Measurements for the log !


Here was my two week update, the photo was taken (March 11, 2021) exactly two weeks after the first pin. I will be uploading my 1 month update tomorrow afternoon !

As always, any comments are welcome. I know I’m not that big, but I am trying & kicking my ass in the gym & in the kitchen. (Also, this photo was taken before the gym session, meaning there is no pump.)

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You look good brother nice shape everything seems even but you have monster legs which isn’t a bad thing looks like the cycle is going well.
If that’s 2wks ago I really look forward to a today pic to compare just 2wks difference.
I appreciate it man, truly.

I am just never happy with how I look. But, It helps drive me to keep kicking my own ass so I guess it has its benefits lol… I am looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish with this 300mg cycle. If I had to guess I’m around 14% Bf & maybe like 185 lbs in the AM. But we will see tomorrow!
Thanks brother, like I was telling Poppy, I am just never satisfied with it.

Thankfully my Legs have always been my strong suit & continue to grow. I just hope that I can continue to grow & get everything else bigger.

Yeah, Looking at it, I think I have added some size in my Legs & Chest. I know one thing, my back has grown the most, I have completely changed how I do Back Day & my body is reacting great to the changes. I’ll make sure tomorrows photo is in the same outfit so we have a good comparison.
Hey, I’m glad to post them. I normally don’t take photos of my physique so this helps me track my progress. This log has been amazing, I can’t wait to be able to look back on this & see Weight & Size differences.

I will say, my lifts have been going up quite a bit, like I mentioned earlier I normally train a lot of volume (10-15 reps).

For instance, chest day this week I hit
5 sets x12-15 with 90 lb dumbbells on incline & was still able to destroy the rest of my workout.
Funny you mention him, I actually have read almost his entire log. Which is why I decided to break down my lifts (originally I wasnt going to post them)

I just prefer to keep it to listing 2 exercises so it’s not overwhelming to read for the reader.
Hell yeah, longevity = key, also the main reason I do not deadlift, just not worth it to me. My body (especially my legs) react great to high intensity weight lifting ( I still left heavy just not really 5x5 ) so I will continue to do that.

Can’t wait to see progress at like week 8-12, heard that’s when you really see change. But then again, I am not doing 500mg, regardless I’m treating my body as if I’m doing grams of it.
You will still see progress over 3 months for sure or 12 wks your already big so now you’re just putting that shine on it brother.
Its not about the amount of compounds its all about your diet and training. I can see your training is on point so just make sure your diet is good and your going to have a great run I believe
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Yessir, advice taken, I’ve always came into this with the idea of using as little as possible & building up. Keeping the longevity on your health is key.