Here was my sixth going on seventh week update, the photo was taken (April 17, 2021) exactly 50 days after the first pin.
I still feel like I am not big, I keep trying to get that food down & get the calories in. I have noticed all my lifts going up, 90lb dumbbells for sets of 12 are just easy work now… I have been doing 3-4 sets with 100’s for 8-12 for the past 2 or so weeks & that seems to be a good working set. So my lifts have been improving.
However, I have had multiple people close to me mention that I have gotten a lot broader & wider.
I just wish I could see/feel the way anyone else does about my physique, but that’s part of the game I suppose. Anyways, that’s just some personal feelings for the log. Keeping my chin up & going to scarf down another half pound of chicken real quick.
I will have measurements within the next week or so to give another update, we are approaching 8 weeks soon, damn, crazy that time has flown by. Tomorrow I will give more on Personal Feelings as well as my lifts as a whole. :muscle:t3: