First training cycle at 40

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They are on my phone. I just do t think my permission upgrade has gone through.

On a side note, I feel absolutely fantastic Mentally today, I have no clue if this a direct result of of my first shot? I would suspect it is, Or am I just crazy?
Probably a little of both hahaha

Test will give you that oomf you’ve learned to live without since you were a young man.
I just want to pack on more muscle, more strength. It took a lot of work for me to look that average, and I’m quite happy with myself today.

My strength goals for myself are:

5 plate deadlift currently 4
4 plate squat currently 3
3 bench plate currently 2
And. 1.5 plate ohp. Currently 1
I would suggest counting macros over calories. At 190lbs you should be taking in a minimum of 190g of protein… probably more to grow.

Counting macros gives you much tighter control over your intake, which translates to much tighter control of your cycle outcome.
Today is forced rest.’ Due to PIP 🤷‍♂️ Not sure If I screwed up, or Body does not like. That’s the problem with in experience.

Second dose today going to do delt.

Golf this afternoon.
First one was quad, it’s a bit swollen today, no discolouration… I was quite nervous(being my first time)so I’m pretty sure I moved the needle more than should of…

I just finished second one in left delt, warmed my oil, and massages in well this time… still shaky though 😂.

Edit it’s not debilitating it’s squat preventative, still going to walk 18 it’s stiff and sore.
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Shoot brother… I’ve been pinning for 35 years or so and I’m getting shakier the older i get! My pip is from me all the time… shaky jake.

You’ll get the hang of it. Just so long as it doesn’t get infected.
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