SB Labs

First training cycle at 40

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Yeah Im 80% sure its not infection. My shakiness should get better as I get more comfortable with it and do it more. Second time was better than first.
No matter how long you’ve been pinning, you will get knots and PIP from time to time. Could be from just the location, or could be from the compound your pinning. No rhyme or reason, but it happens.
Push day felt pretty weak in everything except
Ohp and cable flys(strange to feel strong in them lol)

Thinking about upping volume, it barely feels like I’m working out anymore, by the Time afternoon rolls around.

Granola/yogurt/banana Breakfast

Leg is on the mend I doBt think walking 18 helped it. Hit a couple drives over 300 though.

Delt feels tip top so far.

Mood has steadily been fantastic ever since starting, definitely surprised at how good I feel mentally and How drastically elevated my baseline is. Like laughing out loud at tv, energy levels superb.

Cashews and subway for dinner last night definitely missed my calorie/protein goal due to piss poor planning around golf and work.
Pull day
Dead lift felt wonky stayed at 315 for sets of 8

Rest of pulls were strong.
Db row
Cable pull down(I hate chin ups shoulders and elbows hate them)

Ez bar curls drop set with DB hammer
Machine curls

Brekfast was oatmeal/protein powder
Lunch eggs/ham/cheese

When to start Aromasin? I’m think 6.25 E3d? Until bloods at week 4-5 🤷‍♂️

Leg still on the mend,
Delt fine.
Ever do blood work on past cycles? The reason I ask is if when you do blood work at the halfway mark and and your e2 is always high then start the aromasin at a low dose a little early. If not just wait.
@JLee it’s my first cycle, I have no clue what I’m doing 🤷‍♂️

@NeuroRN yea it’s sub optimal. But not terrible, steak/chicken, nuts and greens, make up my afternoon/evenings. I have definitely been to carb heavy this weekend. White bread is a weakness for me.
Leg day

Worked up to 275 tripleS beltless, notice a bit of hip shift under weight so stayed theRe.


Hack squat(cause leg press was occupied)

hip abductor/adduction direct work on machines. Alway find it helps my hip shift, and max squat capacity.

Leg is pain free, inflammation still present
Delt shot is ok, but tricep now super stiff and sore Similar to leg was. 🤷‍♂️ I might not be reacting well to the oil, strange that it’s 3 days later when the symptoms arrive.
To be clear about the white bread…I’m not being high and mighty.

Pbj’s on white bread was my goto lunch working around the house on weekends and for lunch at work. I loved them and white bread. Half a loaf of bread and butter with a plate of spaghetti.

Not anymore though. It wreaks havoc on blood sugar. Took me a while to connect the dots on that one.
Yea you should. I normally use wheat but I’ve been treating myself lately. It’s definitely close to white bread but more nutritious and a way better texture.
Push day!

225 x3 rpe 7.5 fFlat bench. JESUS that’s a big strength jump in 7 Days for me. I’m pretty sure I’m not in Kansas anymore.

Ohp felt strong.

Incline dB, shoulders pumped could barely finish sets 🤷‍♂️

Tricep stuff and lat raises.

Time for dinner
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