Its crazy in the beginning I thought it was just the Republicans talking shit about the dems but the democratic states aren’t doing a very good job handling this situation.
Im sure that some dem Gov is saying sll these other idiots are making me look bad but city after city all Democrats I just don’t understand SMH
I think that there’s actually no correct way to open back up the economy and everyone is freaking out because the numbers are going up but there’s 4x the amount of testing so more testing equals higher numbers if they would have used the numbers from the very beginning and had testing everywhere for everyone the infected numbers would be atleast 5x the amount if not higher.
Children aren’t dying and don’t have a high enough viral load of Covid-19 to spread it to others if they carry it. 90% of the deaths are older people with obesity and pre-existing health issues. This virus isn’t deadly to people who haven’t abused their bodies for a life time. The whole smells of politics.
If they shut my gym down again I think I’ll snap! Haha 😂 The gym keeps me semi-sane.
I agree. I’ve seen evidence of testing fraud too. This woman on twitter said her parents waited in a long line for 2 hours in Texas to get tested. They got frustrated and went home without doing the testing. Later that day they got a call saying they both tested positive for COVID-19. They never got tested.

back to cleaner eating