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SB Labs

Flashlabs member of the month contest September

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Hahahaha he said please tell me that’s a chick!!! Never know with these guys lmao. One time I was doing a job at a hotel in the fashion district in NYC and I was in the elevator and these two girls went in. The black girl was the hottest black girl I ever saw wearing a mini skirt and had hips and boobs. I could not help but stare. Then when they got off the elevator she talked and it was a dude. I went back up to my room and washed out my eyeballs twice with soap!!!
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This hot girl I know is 100% female but her voice is deeper than mine from using the hardcore roids. I told her just stick to tbol and anavar but she wanted to get fast results . She used test prop. She’s still fine AF but a man’s voice.
Met a chick from Africa that had real deep voice. I would have taken home to anybody cause she was successful as fuck. We had dm different ideas of partying that night so it was no go to take her home to my self. Voice wasn’t a factor but I lt may have seemed like flicking dikembi mutumbo
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