SB Labs

Flashlabs member of the month contest September

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Your very professional aren’t you ? Said nobody. Again feel free to make your own website . My feelings aren’t hurt ? You called me out . Correct ? My website requires a "phd " . So now I’ll respectfully call you out minus the immature profanity. Become a sponsor on the forums . Then get a website. From the looks of it . Your VERY professional. And EXTREMELY level headed. Nothing gets underneath “Thundecocks” skin ( can’t figure out a website ) . Then we’ll all go check it out and give your website a what , 5 star ⭐ review. Because I know It will be second to none “Tcock”
You know what bro, your right. I’m an asshole. I didn’t mean to insult your web design I legitimately couldn’t figure it . I’ve said more than once today that the problem was on my end and my lack of technical savvy . when I said I needed a degree to do what needed to be done on the sight I was really making a joke. Again, I apologize.
As far as being a professional, this is the only place i can be my knuckle dragging, politically incorrect, redneck, asshole self because I I’m in sales and have to play the part, play the game so to speak.

I’ll do my best to be respectful in the future. Can I ask you to do the same?
Ok but you got to sign up first lol jk you guys are both solid I think it was all a misunderstanding. I do appreciate you putting on the promo and thundercock we miss you around here.
Second part onf my plan bag of dicks then discounts. Also the wAy defended your site and product mad
Me happy that your the main components of my next two cycles
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