Forrest i wanna go home

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Well the clusters are back, can’t remember last nite and I know its weird but I swear I can feel that tropical storm building up in Florida. This disease is so strange and painful. I can’t imagine a worse level of pain. I have prayed about and researched this disorder and the good lord apparently said his peace which is negative to healing. Oh well got to be big and strong about it cause its life from here on out which makes me wonder another question. How long can a body go through this level of hell. I know we see ladies have babies in their 50s and survive but I’m 35 and having equally painful experiences once a month.

All this to say people don’t waste time
You never know whats coming your way
I could not imagine what that is like and I know it’s easy for me to say stuff like you got to stay positive and strong not ever knowing that kind of hell you have to deal with. The advancements that are being made with medicine every day should allow you to be a little hopefull. That being said, my thoughts go out to you and your family. I feel confident when I say that you have people routing for you here in the community.
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That’s sucks buddy, I definitely don’t know how I’d be handling it, not to good probably, and I do need to not take my time and who I spend it with for granted, I appreciate the reminder, and as Jlee stated, we’re here for you.
Well this is my am so far wife is still in bed, I am doin a fasted pec morning, except I ate a adrol as pwo, 50 oral 50 pinned while waiting a hour n half approximately my anxiety is fucking running like it’s goin somewhere so my headphones are blasting and I’m cleaning downstairs like a psychotic person but I’m in a good mood, for now
I watched my dad deal with that shit my whole life. He used to lay on the bed with the curtains closed for hours. Unfortunately he turned to opiates to deal with the pain and in the end it killed him. That is how debilitating that shit is. Stay strong brother. There is a way through.
Copy that mine aren’t responding to any pain killers not even morphine so I gave up on that about 5 months ago. Hate that for you and your dad
Was talkin to my wife about your clusters, her great grandmother use to have them and nothing helped, Except her abusing alcohol mixed with pain meds and benzos, and now she’s dead, she use to talk about waiting to die
I didn’t know her or even know it happened til I brought it up to her after reading yours and trollus messages
Hey brother this might sound really strange but I’ve read medical evidence that psilocybin will help your headaches and actually therd are trials in certain countries going on right now for treating these types of headache conditions and depression.
You should really check it out brother and then consult your doctor about it right now its still an illegal compound in the states and most other countries.
Look up psilocybin treating headaches and then gl down the rabbit hole which is Google brother but try to find the pubmed versions.
You also have a church in Kentucky that does auiwasca im sure that I spelled it wrong but these are supposed to be working really well on these types of issues.
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Oh also I bet you can feel the storm brewing I can actually feel storms myself in my arm just from the change in the pressure in the air.
Sorry here sig. maybe it’s gods way of punishment for being a dick to others in public also sorry you can’t use the one treatment that I have seen work for this issue
When I here stuff like this makes me wish I had some
Magic recipe to help. Prayers out to you and your family. You sound like your handling it about as good as anyone!! Keep it up brother! B
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