SB Labs

Garage Gym - In Progress

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That’s going to be great having a home gym is amazing I was so happy once I finally got enough equipment to train at home
During the initial stages of the pandemic we started a little one in our detached garage at the apartment we lived at so we’ve got some essentials already (bar, plates, rack). I’m looking forward to expanding and getting DBs, an adjustable bench, specialty bars etc. The wife just got a big raise at work so we have ambitious plans 😁
I can’t wait to see your setup mine is pretty simple but im able to do everything needed except cable work so im looking to add a cable setup to the lineup of what I have im just short on space lol
So here she is in her new spot. Takes up very little space since in a bump out part of the garage. Machine is smooth and was extremely easy to assemble though it came with no instructions lol (printed them from online). Looking forward to next leg day.

Looks good I enjoy having that as part of my setup you should like that one I like the black also
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@Shock6050 - wow awesome gym build!! Just read through it . I actually transformed my 3 car garage into a 1 car garage right before and during the pandemic. The ability to be able to work out is priceless and at anytime without the gym membership. Also looks like you had a great cycle with Test and EQ. Some of my best gains were with Sustanon and EQ this last December-February. My first time using Sustanon and it seemed to make my just grow and had some power / strength in my lifts. Just my two cents.

Here our some pictures of my garage not as nice as yours but does the job.







@Bigmurph - thanks man. All is well with me. Been out of the picture on the forum. But I plan to start being more active again and posting some more of my favorite recipes. Honestly just been spending time with family, lifting hard, and making some decent cheddar on BTC / ETH (doing some leverage trading). Sold all my long positions right before the top around 62 k and then the fun began not really long sleepless nights when I opened my short positions ended up selling around 34-32k. So it’s been a fun run. Hopefully another bull run begins again - it would be nice to actually retire early if Uncle Sam doesn’t screw me on taxes. Hope all is well with everyone on here. You guys rock and your admin staff are awesome always willing to help out. Love this no nonsense site.
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Sounds amazing brother watch out that capital gains plus whatever they add is going to get everyone they want there piece to cover all the money there wasting on certain projects smh
Im glad that you’re good brother always great to see you around I always look forward to recipes
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Wow that looks great! Like how much variety you have in there. 👍. I’m trying to keep my gym to one half of the 2 car garage, but @Bigmurph believes it is inevitable that it will eventually take over the entire garage! 😂

Yeah, the run with Test/EQ went really well. It was really more as a kickstart/recomp to get my ass back into the game. I have done a similar cycle in the past and blew up even more, likely because unlike where I started off at this past January, I was already quite lean and had maxed most of my lifts out as I was training really hard for the years prior to that (also during this recomp I stayed in a calorie deficit). Taking most of the rest of this year off with gear, and likely will be going with Test/NPP/Proviron in December. Currently in middle of PCT, and things seem to be going well. I’ve lost a bit of that higher gear, but pretty much am still lifting the same amount. For me, though others have different responses, when I got my blood work done mid cycle my E2 was very low and believe that was linked to the EQ, which does not appear to aromatize to E2 and the metabolites may also interfere with aromatase activity. There’s a pretty good write up/video by MPMD describing this in more detail. I dropped the EQ about 6 weeks early, and after it was pretty much out of my system, libido went back to normal.
Yes - I liked EQ. For the most part my AI was very minimal about .5 - 1 a week which for me is my regular trt dose. With EQ I really did notice any difference in aromatization, which I believe EQ helped. Now with EQ I never experienced low libido might of been since I was Sustanon (which has different esters opposed to test c). I should note that while on EQ blood donations are extremely important/ I donated every 6 weeks as hemoglobin can and will get jacked up with EQ.
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