SB Labs

Garage Gym - In Progress

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LOL this is what I’m getting from a lot of people! Well I’ll say this then…the side where I park my car will remain equipment free. However I may end up adding some stall mats to extend out further for more open space for deadlifts, Olympic lifts, etc. 😂. I can just pull my car out when I need that extra space, and those stall mats are basically indestructible so no concerns parking my car on them.
I am eying a plate loaded leg extension/leg curl combo. It’s not that big but an extra row of mats would be nice. This “hobby” has kind of become an obsession. Fortunately the wife is on board with all of this as she prefers the new me that’s way more motivated and engaged when not working out.
Shock6050 said:
However I may end up adding some stall mats to extend out further for more open space for deadlifts, Olympic lifts, etc. 😂. I can just pull my car out when I need that extra space, and those stall mats are basically indestructible so no concerns parking my car on them.
Nope I don’t believe you it will be this first then well the car stayed out last night and then on Facebook that piece of equipment you have been dying for and someone is just saying pick it up and its yours lol lol im dying right now sorry lol I have to mess with you but I do believe that the garage will become the dungeon completely in time. Lol
Lol will see I hope that you honestly build a kingdom in your garage and one day while traveling I can hit up gym Iron Moose
Haha I suppose it could be done but would be quite the investment building a separate iron moose facility! I’ll stick to what I have going on. At this point adding things are more for variation and isolation. I’ve picked up a few side items that really take up little space (adjustable plate loaded kettlebell, more bands that go up to 150lb resistance, 2nd set of sandwich J-cups for the rack). I also found for like 5 bucks little stickers that I put on the sides of the rack that shows what holes are used for incline, decline, flat, military, squat…this was really convenient. Having a 2x2 rack I’ve noticed accessories are so much cheaper as compared to the beefier 3x3 racks.


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Oh and found a weighted vest that goes to 60 lbs on Prime day for cheap. You can take out the 10 6lb preloaded sandbags to decrease the weight as needed. Really good workout for brisk outdoor walks. I would never suggest jogging in it or you will likely be seeing an orthopedic surgeon in the future!

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I’ve seen those adjustable kettle bells before. It’s on my wish list for sure.
I got them through Rogue. They were at a very reasonable price. The challenge is waiting for them to be in stock! I also bought an axle clamp as you can see in the pic to keep the plates from rising up when doing lifts. They are pretty cheap too and I think they are mentioned with a link when you view the kettlebells on the Rogue site.
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Im going to look today im excited ive been wanting kettle balls to use but there expensive to buy a set so adjustable im all about that especially with plates

Much appreciated brother
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