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Garage Gym - In Progress

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So have a new upgrade I got for free by literally walking 10 feet from my driveway. My neighbor put out a 60in smart TV with a sign that said “free - works but flashes.” It looked in great condition so decided I’d see if I could fix it. Well 10 min later it’s perfectly fine. I just had to disable an automatic picture adjustment setting and no screen flashing. Since it’s a smart tv I can link it to my wifi to use our cable or can stream things from my phone and also use it to watch things on Netflix or Spotify. Have a wall mount arriving on Tuesday for 15 bucks. Not worried about the humidity or temp since it was free!

Here it is after 10 minutes of messing with it. Don’t really know that particular neighbor that well but almost feel bad as he’s now going to see his tv working perfectly in my garage in a couple days since I workout with the door up since so hot out now!

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One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! If you ever have him over just tell him it’s not the same TV
Fuck yeah man my friend got a
Fre tv
That way and it lasted about a year then he finally broke down and bought a new tv but Walmart messed up his border and he ended up with 3 free tvs out of that cause they refunded him and then he eventually got all three they sent him that got lost. Just two months after arrival date haha
Haha I was fully prepared to possibly replace some of the backlights, but first wanted to check all the picture settings to see if I could just do something there to correct it…got lucky! I’m surprised he didn’t figure it out as he is a journeyman at a pretty large electrical company so definitely has way more skills than me! The setting actually was in a different spot than where all the usual picture adjustments were located…had to go to general settings then there was an option called auto brightness adjuster which changes the picture depending on the brightness in the room. At first it decreased the overall brightness but stopped the flickering, then went back to the picture settings and manually cranked up some of the brightness options so it ended up balancing out in the end.
I actually have adjustable dumbbells that go from 0-90 lbs. They essentially work just like the Bowflex ones, but I like them better as the grip is knurled iron as opposed to the rubber that Bowflex has. I’ve had them for about 6 months and they work as good as the first day I got them.

Have you dropped them/one yet? Just curious on how they’ll hold up.
Nope not yet (knock on wood)! Definitely do not want to test it as I’m sure it would mess up the locking mechanism. I typically don’t go up to the full 90 for certain movements if it’s difficult to slowly set them back down. If going heavy I usually do the equivalent lift using a barbell. I’m considering slowly adding a few very common weights I use in a rubber hex dumbbell to just have so I don’t need to constantly think about it, though I have standard plate loadable dumbbells that I can use, but they are a bit awkward especially when you put a pair of 25s on each side (the edge of the plate digs into my forearm), but they work well for back rows, but prefer using my adjustable kettlebell for those. So far never had a malfunction where a plate came loose with these dumbbells…seems like they did a good job with the design. Probably would not be ideal for commercial use but since it’s primarily only me using them they should last a good while…hopefully!
So did some rearranging and organization. Feel like this layout maximizes my floor space. Ended up taping the floor mat seams as they kept slightly moving…this way they stay put and it’s easier to clean as crap can’t get in between the mats. Peg boards were great to hang all my cable accessories and other various things to get them off the floor. Have a designated spot for a new piece of equipment that’ll be here in a couple days!


Looks great.

I need to “reorg”… thats code for my gym is filthy and cluttered AND needs some (lots) work.

What’s the new equipment
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