SB Labs

Glad to find a scam free forum

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Welcome, and 400 if tren is the most I do, and I feel it is not high at all, I know dam well most guys use more then that.
To be young again. Back in the day in 2001 my buddy told me with Tren Ace(Fina cattle implants)you have to take 100mg twice a day because it’s so fast acting. My dumb ass did as he said. Changes came daily along with psychotic road rage. Haha 😂
Nobody needs more than 50mg Tren Ace/day. That’s the dose Aceto had my buddy on when he got his pro card. It’s plenty.
I grew! My upper chest came up. I couldn’t last too long on twice a day. The rage for scary. I’m a very mellow person but it made me a lunatic on the road. The only thing worse was STEN from Mexico in 1995. That had straight DHT in it. Later the forumula had DHEA. The DHT version was ridiculous on rage and oily boils. It was so dirty. $1/2ml amp. It was a dirty test blend.
Stenbolone is a serious compound its masteron and winny on steroids lol

Its actually an injectable version of anadrol or that’s what it was supposed to be medically but it didn’t work out in trials.
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Stenbolone acetate was introduced first in Germany by Schering, and two years later Syntex brought it to the United Kingdom, followed by Mexico, under the brand name Anatrofin. Eventually, it was brought to Spain under the Stenbolone name. Just like many anabolic androgenic steroids anatrofin was used for its wonderful effects on anemia, and it was a very popular alternative to anadrol for this purpose because it had less side effects.

I also remember geneza being the last lab to have it available a couple of years back.
Welcome!! I’ve done 550 of tren and had some really good results fast but at the same time 350 l felt the best and still grew a lot.
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