Got my tren in fellas no idea how to take it

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I did 50 a day for 4 weeks and sweat so bad I’m going long water next go round see how that does. Start at 300 a week but think I’ll run around 600 cause I’m dumb and don’t care for my personal well being as much as results
I personally did 50mg twice a week for 4 weeks felt fine. I had zero sides and saw results by week two. Results were straight forward, strength increase through the roof, new lines I never had before. Maybe the only side I had was I was a whore and wanted to have sex with every female over a 5. With that being said take from it what you will and happy trails.
Ughhh. That’s hard. I remember when I was shedding my skin on my peepee cause I couldn’t stop playing with it or having sex last time I cycled high test.
Not fungal possible auto immune issue. I started thread bout rhe disease asking if anybody heard of it. Behcets
Yeah bro im still trying to figure out the clen for my wife not that comfy w it yet
And yes i have an opinion just seeing how like minded it was compared to others if it offends you i hate it
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I ran it at 50mg ed for awhile an that was no bueno. Dropped it to 25 mg like @TBU suggested and it was a night and day difference. I was getting a little more aggressive then I’d like to be. Now I’m pretty clear headed and calm and still seeing noticeable results.
Absolutely brother. I think 25 is a good place to start. I also had some gyno cause from prolactin that nolvadex won’t treat. So if that happens I’d have caber or prami on hand, Pramis sides suck to. Please research bro. Good luck.
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