Help - Wife's TRT - Cream to Injection

A 25 year old male produces approximately 10mg of testosterone per day. When you’re using testosterone with an ester attached it lasts several days. Even testosterone propionate is active a good 5 days. Forget literature that says it’s out sooner because it’s not true. I have given long ester testosterone to an ex-girlfriend. It was a very bad idea. Even at low doses her clitoris grew and her voice changed. I would have your wife do 5mg test prop every other day to test the waters. I wouldn’t go higher then 10mg every other day. Optimally, get testosterone suspension or test base suspended in oil and do daily injections with 5mg. Use an insulin pin. If you get testosterone prop suspended in MCT oil it’ll flow through a 30 gauge pin. 5mg of test prop would only be 5 units on a 30 gauge 1cc 1/2” syringe. You could get 1/2cc and a shorter pin if you do subcutaneous injects but they often cause site swelling. I use a 30 gauge 1cc 1/2” pin for intramuscular injections daily in various locations: middle quad, outer hip, delts, lats, mid leg in between the quad and ham. I can vouch that testosterone propionate from Flash Labs flows through a 30 gauge insulin pin. I’ve actually used deca, NPP, masteron, test enan, sustanon, tren ace. They all went through a 30 gauge pin with Flash’s gear. It’s a blend of MCT oil and palm kernel oil. I don’t mean to push my sponsor but it’s the only gear I can verify from personal experience in terms of using a slin pin. No way will cotton seed oil, sesame seed oil, and most likely grape seed oil, go through a 30 gauge pin.
She needs to start out at 50mg cyp a week for a month. Get blood work and adjust from there. A woman’s natural testosterone should be anywhere from 25 to 70 ng/dL. Preferably NOT above 75. If it gets any higher she WILL have the fine fine hair on her face become more coarse. Have her do 25mg every 3.5 days for a few weeks till she gets saturated. I have a few female friends that are on it and they take 75mg.

I would suggest going to a general practitioner because it would be much cheaper roughly around 50 bucks or so for 10 weeks and they can write her a prescription for the 50 mg testosterones from a pharmacy so the dosing is going to be fairly accurate across-the-board.

Also have her take DIM.
Take one step at a time. This is the only logical thing that makes sense. Don’t add DIM and test and fucking with dosing. Jesus.

Start low. I personally would start less than 50. You can go up easier than wait for it to come down.

Females use long ester test every single week and they aren’t walking around with beards and dicks. It’s standard in female HRT.

Go low. Go slow.
I’m thinking we’ll start with 30mg a week and go from there. The only issue I forsee is trying to draw exactly that. It’s such a miniscule amount. I was curious if I could dilute the vial with extra base oil to cut it down.
Second this. Boyfriend is on the cream right now and he’s had a lot of issues getting the dosage right. I feel like there’s more precision in injectables. Now, that said, if you’re a typical bro-endocrinologist, this shouldn’t be an issue as you know how to read bloods and whether she should adjust up or down.
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I wouldn’t give a woman text cyp. I gave me ex test enanthate which is basically the same thing. 50mg caused a deeper voice and bigger clit. Messing with long esters is bad news. She really should only use TNE daily in a very low dose to find what feels best. 5mg is plenty.
Primobolan messed my ex’s voice up first. Every idiot trainer gives their clients primobolan not realizing it’s a DHT derivative,
She took 50mg pharma grade amps of primobolan enanthate and by week 2 1/2 her voice started changing,
Long ester test is real bad news.
Long ester nandrolone is bad news.
With base versions women can mess with test and nandrolone.
Anavar is fine.
Tbol in low doses is fine.
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