Help - Wife's TRT - Cream to Injection

I think the big kicker her being forgot is there is no 1 size fits all. Just because your girl has had bad side effects does not mean it’s a done deal bad idea for others. My wife has PCOS and all throughout her teenage years was Testosterone dominant. Her body handles Testosterone very well and has experimented with various compounds in the past. So just because your girl had issues doesn’t mean all will. That’s the name of this game. Experiment slowly and gradually to find out what “YOU’RE” body can handle while referencing as much data and experiences from others as possible.
I agree.
Primobolan has messed up the voice of quite a few women I know.
With any AAS, it’s still a good idea to use the fastest acting version available in case negative sides effects start. If the voice starts changing and you have a Cypionate ester in her body it’s not stopping for a couple weeks.