Hey everyone hope you all are having a great Holiday need some advice

In 24 yo i have body fat scale but i think its BS but i can update with those stats but as far as weight I’m 271 i was 263 like two weeks ago but vacation kind of fucked me with ny mom being home and cooking up a storm. Im 5’10 exactly without shoes. I can shed fat pretty quickt using yohimbine and fating i just want to use the right compounds to help that process and see more results whether that be a coulle more pounds while also adding some muscle not alot but some enough to notice.
5’10 270. I don’t want to make an assumption but you are either ready for Olympia or you have some body fat to lose. In that case drop the orals and focus on the diet.
Cheechblazed said:
just want to use the right compounds to help that process and see more results
Here’s my opinion. Like @NeuroRN riddled… you’re either really really yoked or you got some excess weight to lose.

You are extremely young. Not an insult just my thoughts. If you’re not extremely yoked I believe that you got some work to do way before compounds. Maybe add in some (more) conditioning along with very accurate (non biased) tracking of your macros.
We’re not insulting you brother. Just trying to drill down and suggest some alternative methods before you start putting “poison” in your body.
Definitely some body fat to lose alright gotcha. So no orals. I have been on trt for a year next month. I feel way better than i did before my libido came back and i thought that was lost forever. Maybe i need to just dial in my test like someone stated in a older post of mine. Should i do that up the test a bit?
I have the Eq and DHB i bought both at the same time so i really need to use these before they get bad they so far have been shelfed for about 1year and 4 months. I dont want to trash them i rather use them. So i will go about the cycle just no orals if you boys suggest that. So yeah EQ and Test for the endurance and recomping a little Mk677 to spice things up.
They aren’t going bad for awhile. I have gear that’s two years old and possibly some older.
Store it well and it should last for awhile.

But as stated above. No orals. And the diet is key. You can’t out train a bad diet.

All the gear in the world ain’t helping if your eating trash.

Keep on the diet, heck hire a coach even it helps.

Just my .02.
Ominous said:
But as stated above. No orals. And the diet is key. You can’t out train a bad diet.

All the gear in the world ain’t helping if your eating trash.
That’s it right there. Your EQ and DHB will be fine. Personally I wouldn’t do anything but a longer run of test and focus on maximizing diet and lose the weight.

If it were me I would do 3 mg/kg for 6 months, maybe longer.
I have noticed the leaner I get the better the compounds work. My estrogen is way lower now and test is higher when running same dose of TRT. I think many have issues with test converting to estro when high body fat. If your gonna cycle have a’i on board and make sure you do your bloods. I am confident though if you drop your bf significantly your cycle will yield much better results. It doesn’t take long if you stay consistent with a program.
No guys we have to eat healthy in my house. My brother was recently diagnosed wih fatty liver due to food and medicine he was prescribed so we all in my house and my mom forced use to eat broccoli and basically chicken breast or usually fish. Talapia most of the time. And i dont eat anything throughout the day i work from 8am till 6pm sometimes 7pm so i just eat dinner take a shower and K.O. I can definitely control the diet without a problem. I dont really crave shit and i smoke a boatload is load of weed. I also use yohimbine when i know that day i wont be ating anything. So I basically fast like 18 hours a da. Only thing is i dont have time forthe gym so im ei end my work contract in like a month so thats when ill be hitting the gym hard
So do you do no movement during the day is there snacks involved at work. Cauae if you typically eat a me meal day and still overweight that much I would
Get thyroid checked out. I’m 6’2” I was 330 and dropped down to to 270 before I did test only cycle. Again sorry f your cutting large
Amounts of weight unless you already have a lot of muscle to try and maintain adding more compounds wil be mostly throwing money down the drain. I know
A lot about throwing money down the drain it sucks
You caught me close to bedtime last night.

I want to clarify a few things so we can possibly give you a good plan of action.

Your mom and brother (with special dietary needs) live with you…right?

She cooks great lean meals…right?

You ARE overweight…right… too much bf?

You work long hours? Sedentary or on your feet, constant up and down walking, climbing, kneeling, air conditioning, turning wrenches, lifting things…etc?

You are or are not on dr prescribed trt with or without blood labs?

You don’t go to the gym or do any exercise at the moment…not even calisthenics…right?

You don’t track dietary intake… calories/ macros (protein, carbs, fats), water intake?

Have you ever done any comprehensive strength and conditioning for a year straight or more?

Do you have access to eating facilities at work… microwave etc?

Please answer these. They are important questions. You’re too young not be “completely healthy” and it’s only going to get worse. I’ve buried many friends and associates over the years with health problems that have compounded over the years.
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I was measuring all that up to about 2 months ago i was going to have surgery and the doctor had me with a nutritionist. I was eating 6 meals 3 of which were small healthy snacks such as a low fat string cheese or an apple. The meals consisted mostly of greens and meat. I did lose a significant amount. So i started trt last year with elevate and they got me good i was shorted about 1-2 mls and since thats 2 weeks i needed a replacement. Got the replacement from UGL and after seeing the difference even with roidtest i was not going back to pharma.
So i am sitting most of the day. Snacks ha i laugh at fools that eat snacks. Lol no im kidding. I right now as of the moment dont eat snacks throughout the whole day till dinner then i eat one big snack. Works better that way food taste better in my opinion. I do not move at all at work. I also work from home. Its a administrative job. Not much to do but zoom meetings and emails.