SB Labs

Hgh questions for healing!

3 ius daily for healing, wellness and general anti-aging … I typically do 12 months on that protocol and then off, using 350-400 mcgs of Sermorelin as a GH enhancer … then back on HGH. I don’t see a huge difference between the two at that dosage to be honest…dreams and sleeping aren’t nearly as deep/ intense on Sermorelin.
I would actually recommend using pharma grade hgh or equivalent. I would use 2iu or 1iu split. It will need to be taken long term so I would get atleast 6 months worth. Anything less isn’t going to do much. I used hgh and it helped my ruptured bicep get better and it helped my knee and many other things that I was having trouble with.
Its not everything great though. Hgh has a range of side effects that suck lol I always hear about how good hgh is but no one likes to talk about how bad the side effects are. I would definitely dose with the comfort level of the side effects. So if 2iu at night is good then go with it. If it helps splitting go with that. Especially with good hgh like pharma grade or equivalent it doesn’t take much. I would also recommend using the hgh test kit from @ROIDTEST. Hgh is the most faked substance on the planet. You definitely want to go with a top sponsor.

Just curious what type of surgery?
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