How is everyone holding up?

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The Swollest
How is all my males, females and what ever you want to be!

Just want to check In with everyone! How is everyone holding out during this fuck fest and no!!! I’m not talking about the bare back boyz halloween party coming up!

Everyone doing ok, families ok, moral good all around?
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Yessir. One of the local prisons had an outbreak. And by that I mean 11/12 patients on the unit were covid positive and inmates.
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I’m really tired of all the bull7$? here. I may just go back to the Middle East for one more tour before I reach 55. Family keeps me grounded and most of the people I manage are ex-military but it’s hard to deal with all of the stupidity sometimes. So I’m just going to pound weights get huge and make the soy boys at work cry.
Watching my oldest daughter go through a divorce, wondering how college is going to shake out of my middle daughter and 7th grade for our youngest… working while there’s still work and training 4 days a week!
started new job after 7 months of unemployment. feels good to be a productive member of society again and get back into a routine and gettin dis moneyyy. also starting to put together a home gym since im working from home now. waiting on a shipment from Rogue that delivers on friday
All I know is people are getting really used to being told what to do, and some of these people are getting way too comfortable telling me wtf to do. I walked into a store without a mask the other day, the clerk shouts and points his finger at me and yells about the mask. He’s so gd lucky I don’t run tren anymore or he would’ve been dragged over that counter. All of this stuff is ridiculous, I know it’s real, it’s kinda deadly, but FOR FUCK’S SAKE THIS IS AMERICA. People have just given up they’re freedoms, without hardly any push back, there’s so much evidence against the measures were being forced to take. This should be up to each person’s preference. If you want to wear a mask, do it. If not, who cares. But for the love of God and country let people go to work, and let the kids go to school. And don’t even get me started on this “change shortage.”

Anyways, regardless off all of that, life is perfect in my beautiful little corner of the world. If I focus on the whole world I get pissed and depressed, if I focus on my beautiful marriage, my beautiful home, and all of the small things surrounding me that I love, I realize that life truly is amazing and I have nothing to complain about.

I pray all of you can say the same, if not, don’t give up and keep working towards it. I came from living in my truck with nothing, to running a highly successful company, only by not giving up, and getting rid the really bad habits that I had.
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You couldn’t have said it any better I don’t like being told what to do I will help anyone and give you the shirt off my back but dont tell me what to do or imma do the opposite just to be an ass if masks work so well then why don’t we wear them for flu season doh that’s right cause they don’t better yet now everywhere you go there are sneeze protectors you can’t even here people talk anymore they want to force you online to buy from bozo with digital money they can track so they can tax your ass no more working under the table for cash when that happens bitcoin owners will be rich cause that’s what will be used
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Heading to the beach in a few days so I’m excited to be away from work. Other than that, life has been pretty good. Been dealing with blood sugar issues lately, almost went hypo a couple different times in the last 2-3 weeks. Only ever had this issue while running Tren which happens to be what I’m running now.
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