I would eat carnivore except just sneak in a little carbs when i coulldnt take it. Younger i would eat everything use the mirror. Compete every year not matter what. The biggest change would be a concierge of docs that understood what i was doing especially a cardiologist. Knock on wood ive has stress tests , echos. One trans esophageal getting another one . Id like an angiogram. My echo has been fine every couple years for 20 years, lots of supplements. But, they still scare you. Im like so “maybe i escaped all the damage?” joking. Well we can look at some other thinhs if you want. Your valves are appropiate no regurg, your left vent, has mild hypertrophy …but no change in whatever. I can still have a clot waiting somewhere. Fuck it these guys never will say your looking ok for your age.