SB Labs

I'm back,thanks for all support

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Staff member
Military Vet
So here I unit is a floor above the PTSD unit,so they accepted me early so I can work on the co-exsisting issues I have.Switched up some meds that seem to have me more stable as in I am kinda feeling emotionless instead of having to many emotions and I’d rather be that way for the time being,my wife also dropped the divorce bomb so there’s that.Anyways glad to be back,hope everyones doin good.
Sometimes it’s better to completely start fresh than to hang on. Trust me. 22 years of marriage down the shitter. But, I came out of it a bit better and a lot more stable. It’s the emotional roller coaster when I was married that was the worst. A few years later, I’m a lot better off. 🤷‍♂️. Get your mind right. And take care of John for a while. Being a giver is not all that it’s cracked up to be. Or get yourself a scoot and get lost for a couple weeks. Always does me wonders. Just stay positive. :pray:t3:
I’m sorry about the divorce. Women are a drug that gets you higher than any other drug but ends with the worst withdrawals of all.
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Take it all one day at a time and try to stay positive. Don’t miss any workouts! That will help immensely! I find I train more for my brain than my body any more. It always helps!
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